Policeman indicted for violence and gross misunderstanding in the service – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

It was on the night of Sunday 30 October that Kristian Pablo Teigen (26) and Kevin Simensen (26) were subjected to several blows with batons and fists – by a police officer. A surveillance video that Dagbladet has gained access to shows how the police officer knocks Simensen to the ground before hitting him repeatedly in the back of the head. The defendant’s colleagues intercept several other men, who seem to react strongly to the blows. One of the witnesses, Marius Stormo, can be seen on the surveillance images. After he filmed parts of the incident, the video images show the police taking control of Stormo’s phone. Stormo says to news that the video was deleted by the police. The newspaper Laagendalsposten reported the day after the incident in October that two men had been reported for violence against the police. Police Chief Ole Bredrup Sæverud confirms to news that the police officer was immediately removed from operational duty. The special unit has now brought charges against the police officer. Police chief Ole Bredrup Sæverud in the South-East police district takes note of the prosecution decision. Photo: Lars Tore Endresen / news – The police district takes note of the prosecution decision, but has no comments beyond that, says Sæverud to news. He will not say what personnel consequences the case may have at the present time. On the night of 22 October, Kevin Simensen was put to the ground by several police officers in Kongsberg. Now a police officer is charged with police violence. Considering charges against yet another police officer Prosecution investigation manager Marit Storeng in the Bureau of Police Affairs tells news that the department has finished investigating the case against a new officer after the violence episode at Kongsberg. She says the case is for consideration by the head of the special unit. It is therefore subject to assessment by the head of the Bureau, who must assess whether or not charges should be brought. It has been investigated whether the police officer has deleted a video one of the men involved filmed with his mobile phone. This is not the same police officer who is accused of violence against two men. Hit with “great force” In the Bureau’s indictment decision, it is assumed that the accused police officer and his colleagues were approached by a security guard, who a short time before is said to have been involved in an incident with several men. The police officer made contact with Kevin Simensen and put him on the ground. The police officer then hit him at least four times on the head and body. “His use of force meant that friends of Simensen interfered in the situation”, writes the special unit. – When I came down, it was hell, says Teigen to news. He says that he heard his friend screaming that he couldn’t breathe. Teigen went over to the police officers, who were leaning over Simensen, and asked them to stop. – Then he picks up the baton and starts hitting me repeatedly, he says. The baton blow that hit Kevin Simensen in the left thigh caused severe swelling and pain for several days, writes the Bureau. Photo: The Private Bureau writes that the police officer “asked Kristian Pablo Teigen, who came running over, to pull away”. The Bureau assumes that Teigen complied with the order, but that the police officer still hit Teigen with “great force” in the left thigh. Marit Storeng in the Bureau of Police Affairs tells news that the indictment against the police officer concerns the use of force. – This involves, among other things, blows with a clenched fist and with a baton, says Storeng. She explains that the police are authorized to use force and can use force legally to the extent that it is justifiable and necessary in the situation, and that they can then also use force. – When it comes to this specific case, the special unit believes that there was no basis for the type of force that was used, says Storeng. The blow is said to have caused severe swelling and pain for several days. Pictures news has gained access to show that Teigen also had several wounds on her face and head after the incident. Kevin Simensen’s face was visibly damaged after the incident on 30 October last year. Photo: Private Kevin Simensen also had several wounds on his left side after the clash with the police. Photo: Private “Looks violent” The policeman, who is now accused of having practiced violence against another person and grossly negligently breached his duty, understands that the video clip looks violent. The man does not want to speak directly to news. The man’s defense attorney said on Thursday that he is having a hard time. The Bureau has determined that the report the policeman and a colleague wrote after the incident does not match what appears in the video recording. – This is something the special unit has followed up in an administrative assessment, which has been forwarded to the chief of police in the South-East police district for follow-up there, says Marit Storeng in the special unit. Trade union representative: – Burdensome for all parties As leader of the Police Union in Kongsberg, Jon Edward Torp emphasizes that their role as trade union representative is to look after members. Torp does not want to comment on the incident. – It is not in my role as the highest union representative. – I will not allow myself to be drawn into commenting on the pictures. We see the same as everyone else, but do not want to comment on the incident any more than that. Union deputy leader Ørjan Hjortland in the Police Union understands that this type of incident weakens the police’s trust. Photo: Karoline Finnema / news Deputy chairman Ørjan Hjortland in the federal board has also seen the video clips. He does not want to take a position on the question of guilt in the case, but says that, on a general basis, this type of incident is burdensome for the police. – It is important that the Norwegian police show proportionality in accordance with the use of force that is exercised. – Basically, I understand that these types of videos in the media do something to trust in the police. Such cases are burdensome for all parties, including the police, he says to news. Two affected comrades The two comrades Kevin Simensen and Kristian Teigen are clear that they believe the use of force was disproportionate, and say that the incident has affected them. – I notice that I feel unwell as soon as I see a reflective vest or flashing lights. I’ve thought that I don’t need to go to a psychologist, but I’ve started to notice that it’s becoming a problem in everyday life, says Teigen. Simensen also says he gets anxious when he sees people dressed in dark in the reflection, or hears the rustling of keys or observes blue lights with sirens. – I can’t stand being alone or going out after dark. I would rather not go alone at all, says Kevin Simensen.
