Police worried about Swedish criminal networks in northern Norway – news Troms and Finnmark

The case in summary: Troms police district considers Swedish criminal networks to be the biggest crime threat in the district. The police have investigated several cases related to Swedish criminal networks, including the Foxtrot network, which is involved in extensive drug trafficking. The police have observed that local actors are arming themselves, which they fear may be a response to the Swedish capital of violence. Through an extensive investigation, eight people were arrested, and drugs, cash and firearms were seized. FRP’s Helge André Njåstad believes Norway has become a more dangerous country for law-abiding citizens and a safer country for criminals under the Støre government. The Center Party’s Sandra Borch expresses serious concern about the development of crime in Tromsø and Troms, and believes that part of the reason is the previous government’s desire to legalize narcotic drugs. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – We consider the Swedish criminal networks to be the biggest crime threat in the Troms police district. This was said by Yngve Myrvoll, police inspector in the Troms police district, at a press conference at the police station in Tromsø. As a result of a “worrying increase and threat from Swedish criminal networks”, the Troms police district called a press conference on Wednesday. Photo: Troms police district In recent years, the police district has investigated several cases involving Swedish criminal networks. Seizures the police have made in these investigations, the police believe they can link to heavy Swedish criminal networks, including Foxtrot. – These are well-known actors whose primary business is in the extensive trade in drugs, Myrvoll continued. – Concerned At the press conference, the police expressed their concern about the developments they are now seeing locally, where Swedish actors are involved. – We of course fear, and see signs of it, that local actors are arming themselves, and we have, among other things, a number of cases involving knife use, which we fear could be a response to the Swedish capital of violence that exists, said Myrvoll. The police expressed that they have good knowledge of the local actors, some of whom have been followed by the police over time. – We have examples of local youth taking the step from youth crime to becoming heavily involved with key players in the Swedish criminal networks. SEIZURE: Through a recent and extensive investigation, eight people were arrested, the police say. Photo: Troms police district Through a recent and extensive investigation, eight people were arrested by the police. Drugs, contacts and firearms were seized there, the police said. Strong criticism of the government Head of the justice committee in the Storting, Frps Helge André Njåstad, believes the alarm must now go to the government. – Norway has become a more dangerous country for law-abiding citizens and a safer country for criminals, with the Støre government, says Njåstad, who now believes that development is going faster than ever. ALARM: The alarm must now go to the government, says Helge André Njåstad, chairman of the justice committee in the Storting. Photo: Bror Kvammen Bjerke / news Njåstad believes that Norway now appears as a more attractive country in which to conduct crime. This as he believes the risk of being caught is low. – Minister of Justice Mehl has no concrete measures to come up with, nor any idea of ​​how to reverse cross-border crime. This means that Norway is constantly on the defensive and reacts reactively, while the criminals are allowed to be on the offensive so that they can constantly infiltrate more of our society, says Njåstad further. news has asked the Prime Minister’s office for a comment on Njåstad’s statements. The Prime Minister’s office refers to the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness, which has so far not responded to news’s ​​inquiry. CRITICISM: Njåstad strongly criticizes Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl and the government’s work. The Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness has not responded to news’s ​​inquiry into the matter. Photo: Lars Os / news The Center Party’s Sandra Borch says she is “seriously concerned” about the development of crime in her home county. – The development of young people who use narcotic substances and become part of criminal networks is very worrying, says Borch, who, like Njåstad, sits on the justice committee. CONCERNED: Member of the justice committee, Sandra Borch (Sp), is concerned about the development. Photo: Ksenia Novikova / news She believes that part of the reason for the rise of criminal circles and drug use is due to the previous government’s desire to decriminalize narcotic drugs. – The Solberg government brought up a debate on legalisation, which fortunately was voted down in the Storting. But the perception among young people out there is that this is the law today. She herself believes that it is important to work together to “break these environments”. – The police in Tromsø have done a good job of uncovering criminal circles, but I also think there are large numbers of dark figures. Arrested eight people When the Troms police district started investigating a case with local actors in January, they saw early leads to Sweden, Myrvoll could say. – We have uncovered a well-organized and professional network, which over a long period of time has traded large quantities of drugs in Troms and Northern Norway. The relationship with the Swedish network goes back several years, and we see that large amounts of cash are transported from Tromsø to Sweden and Oslo, said Myrvoll. Through the investigation of the case, the police have so far uncovered, among other things, several travel routes. Eight people have been arrested in the case, one of whom is still in custody. Those arrested were arrested in two different operations, Myrvoll could say. – In this connection, drugs, money and firearms have been seized. Four of the eight arrested have been in custody as a result of the case. The case is still under investigation. Published 12.06.2024, at 08.36 Updated 12.06.2024, at 16.59
