Police officer convicted of sex with vulnerable women – must pay more after appeal – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

In the district court, the man was sentenced to two years and three months in prison, in addition to having to pay a total of 300,000 kroner in restitution to the three offended women. Now he is sentenced to pay 150,000 to each of them. This means that he must pay a total of 450,000 kroner. – More correct redress Kristin Skårset is an assistance lawyer for one of the three women. Her client says it has been stressful with two rounds in court, but that she is happy to be believed this time as well. She was awarded compensation of 60,000 in the district court, but now receives 150,000 in redress. – She is also happy to have received what she calls a more correct redress, but that the most important thing is that the policeman gets his punishment, Skårset says. The other two women were awarded 120,000 kroner each in the district court, but this is increased to 150,000 for both of them. The convicted person is now considering whether it will be relevant to appeal parts of the sentence to the Supreme Court. Denied guilt The appeal hearings in the Court of Appeal were held in Tønsberg courthouse, and 34 witnesses were summoned in the case, which lasted 13 days in May. The man has always denied criminal guilt, and has said that he has never had sex with any of the three women. There has been disagreement about several of the points in the indictment. However, the majority has convicted the 66-year-old for most of the charges. He has been acquitted of one point in the indictment. The sentence is six months shorter than the district court sentence, while the compensation amounts are higher. The policeman came into contact with the three women through his job. Common to them all was that they were in vulnerable situations. The court believes that the police officer used this to obtain sexual intercourse with them, something the man denies that it happened. – Disappointed The man’s lawyer, Steinar Thomassen, says that his client is disappointed. – He experiences the conviction as heavy. From day one, he has denied that he has had any sexual intercourse with the offended, so that this outcome is heavy, he says to news. Steinar Thomassen is a defender for the policeman. Photo: Kari Sørbø / news They have not taken a position on a possible appeal. You can appeal the application of the law and the case processing to the Supreme Court in addition to the sentencing. You can also appeal the civil claims separately, if you find reason to do so. – I register that the verdict was handed down during the dissent on a number of different points, so that there has been doubt here must be clear as I consider it, says Thomassen.
