Police, NVE and Mads Gilbert warn about the avalanche situation in the north – news Troms and Finnmark

– Heavy, deadly landslides. Landslides in places where there has not been a landslide for perhaps a hundred years. This tells us that the avalanche situation is life-threatening. That’s what senior physician at the University Hospital of Northern Norway, Mads Gilbert, says. He warns people against going to summits in steep terrain. On Friday, there were several landslides in Troms, four of which are considered serious. Two people died when an avalanche took a house on Reinøya, one person from a tour group of five died in the avalanche in Lyngen and one person died in the avalanche in Nordreisa. Four died after several avalanches in Troms There were four serious avalanche accidents in Troms on Friday 31 March. Storslett At 17.57 the police received a report of an avalanche at the Tverrelva in Storslett where one person has now been confirmed dead. The person was part of a larger foreign travel party. Another person in the tour group who was at the scene located the person and alerted the emergency services. Lyngen At 14.46 a report came in to the police that there had been a landslide in Kvalvikdalen in Lyngen. There were five people of foreign origin who were on a ski trip. Troms police district can confirm that one person has been found dead, one with critical injuries who has been evacuated by helicopter. The remaining ones are now being evacuated. Reinøya At 15.10 the police received a report that there had been a landslide in which a house had been taken and carried into the sea at Grøtnesdalen on Reinøya. Two people have been found dead and the next of kin have been notified. It was a large farm, where the house and barn were taken by the landslide. Manndalen Two landslides occurred in Manndalen in Kåfjord municipality. All persons have been accounted for, but animals are believed to have been injured. It is about approx. 100 cows. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority has been notified and is following up on the matter with the municipality. Traffic ban Gilbert remembers the landslide that took place in Tromdalen on Senja in 2013, where three men lost their lives. – There was a traffic ban there when the landslide occurred. It does not seem that we have managed to bring about a change in behaviour, and the police cannot possibly enforce a traffic ban in the huge mountain areas we have, says Gilbert. He describes the avalanche situation in Troms as extremely dangerous. An avalanche can travel at over a hundred kilometers per hour and weigh several thousand tonnes. And he is not alone in this warning. Because now the police are also pointing the finger. Chief of staff in the Troms police district, Morten Pettersen. Photo: Petter Strøm – There is an extremely high risk of landslides. There is every reason to remind people that they must be extremely careful about moving out into the terrain in the next few days, because of the great and unforeseen risk of avalanches, says Morten Pettersen in the Troms police district. – We advise everyone not to move in the mountains as the conditions are now. Can’t reverse death On Thursday, the police evacuated three villages in Troms due to a high risk of avalanches. On Friday, they are in the process of evacuating the residents on Reinøya. Gilbert praises the police’s actions. He is clear that there is little that can be done once a person is hit by an avalanche. – No matter how many helicopters, cars and patrols you send, there is unfortunately little we can do once you are hit. The preparedness is there, but we cannot reverse the death, says the superior. Nevertheless, Gilbert believes that there is a limit to what measures and warnings can do to prevent people from moving in dangerous terrain. Landslide leader Andreas Tanem of the Norwegian People’s Aid was among those who moved to the landslide in Northern Resia. Photo: Private – At danger level four, I would rather choose to spend a day on the sofa than to go out, even if only small simple sides, says avalanche leader Andreas Tanem in Norwegian People’s Aid in Nordreisa. He was among those who responded to the avalanche in Nordreisa, where a foreign citizen died. The landslide went about 80 meters down the mountainside, which is located by the municipal center Storslett. – I think it is unbelievably tragic, both for the tour group that has lost a friend, for the rest of the family and for the local community, says Tanem. Abnormal avalanches Emma Julseth Barfod, group leader for the avalanche warnings in NVE, also issued a warning after Friday’s events. – I hope and believe that people understand how serious the situation is now that there have been accidents and so many landslides, says Barfod. Photo: Stig Storheil / NVE She emphasizes that there are very unstable conditions throughout northern Norway, and especially in Troms and southern Finnmark. Especially for Friday and Saturday, places where it usually blows from the north-west have had winds from the north. – This has resulted in landslides where landslides do not normally occur, says Barfod. The avalanche expert is clear that the situation is serious, and that they have considered adjusting the danger level to 5. – The danger level is now 4, great. The situation is so serious that we considered going up to 5, but then we are talking about abnormally many and extremely large landslides, says Barfod. – The situation is serious Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) says the deadly landslides in Troms are a tragic start to Easter. He urges people to listen to the authorities’ advice. The Prime Minister encourages people to listen to the authorities. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB – This is a tragic entrance to Easter. My thoughts go primarily to the relatives and survivors of those who died after several serious landslides in several municipalities in Troms. The landslides have also swept animals and buildings into the sea. The situation is serious and still unclear, says the Prime Minister in a statement to NTB. At the same time, he thanks the local authorities, aid crews and volunteers for what he describes as an invaluable effort in the rescue work. – It is now very important to follow advice from the authorities and aid corps not to go out to areas with danger warnings. There is a significant risk of avalanches in several parts of the country, and I therefore encourage everyone to follow NVE’s avalanche warning at varsom.no, says Støre.
