Police investigate jealousy motive – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

Jonas Aarseth Henriksen was found dead at a cabin in Nes in Ådal on 17 August. These four people have been arrested in the case. MALE (28)14. In September, the police made the first arrest in the case, at Rena in Innlandet. The man (28) pleaded not guilty, but was remanded in custody for four weeks. He has been convicted several times in the past, including for violence against the police. He has not wanted to be questioned in the case. – Based on our client’s previous experience with the police, and the arrest in this case, he has expressed that he does not trust the police. He has therefore chosen to make use of his right not to explain himself to the police at this time, said lawyer Ellen Tvedt Jorem. MAN (30) The following week, 20 September, the police arrested another man in the case. The 30-year-old was arrested in Elverum. The two people are related to each other, according to news’s ​​information. The man was willing to answer questions from the police. – He consents to detention. Not because he is guilty, but so that the police can do their job without him being able to influence anyone, said defender Geir Jesinsky. MAN (32) A third person was arrested on Tuesday 26 September. The 32-year-old Hønefoss man was summoned for questioning and was arrested during the questioning. The 32-year-old is an acquaintance of the murder victim. – He does not plead guilty to murder or complicity in murder. Beyond this, I do not wish to comment on the case, said defender Andrea Wisløff. MAN (32) For some time, the police have been on the lookout for the 32-year-old who was arrested in the evening on Saturday 30 September. This happened at a petrol station in Noresund, a little west of Hønefoss. The man is not supposed to have been a close friend of Jonas. They were the same age, lived in the same area and had several mutual acquaintances, news is told. The main theory of the police is that the man was responsible for planning the attack on Henriksen, according to news’s ​​sources. – We are on our way to the police now. Until we have spoken, I cannot say anything about how he reacts to the charges or the arrest, says lawyer Jon Anders Hasle.
