Police car involved in traffic accident on E18 – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

5 November 2022 at 13:47 Police car involved in traffic accident on E18 A police car on call and a car are involved in a traffic accident on E18 at Harebakken in Arendal, the police report. The three people from the car have been transported to the emergency department for a check-up. – The accident is caused by a collision from behind in connection with the police car on call passing, says operations manager Miriam Stausland, in the Agder police district. There must be damage to the cars. The E18 was closed eastbound at the scene for a short period after the accident. Around 2:20 p.m., the Road Traffic Center reports that the road is open to traffic again. The Special Unit for Police Affairs is routinely notified, the police report.
