Pledge and ban on wood and fireplaces in Bergen – now the municipality is turning around and wants to remove the ban – news Vestland

All over the country, sky-high electricity prices have greatly increased the demand for wood burning. People want to reduce the electricity bill. But it has not been easy for everyone in Bergen. Since 2021, there has been a ban on using old stoves and fireplaces because central parts of the city sometimes have unhealthy air quality. Only new, clean-burning stoves are allowed. But now the politicians in Bergen are doing a U-turn. Due to the electricity crisis, the much talked about ban is proposed to be removed. – The situation with the energy crisis and electricity costs means that the city council believes that a ban should be very well founded and necessary. In addition, the municipality has limited coercive measures against those who do not respect the ban, the city council writes in its proposal. INCREASED EMISSIONS: The Norwegian Environment and Climate Council Thor Haakon Bakke (MDG) will open to allow more pollution from wood-burning mountain forests. Photo: Leif Rune Løland / news Dagbladet mentioned this proposal first. The poison trap In dry, cold periods with no wind, pollution is “locked in” down the hill in Bergensdalen just south of the city centre. In technical language, this is called inversion. In the vernacular, it is called the “poison lure”. An expression Bergen was known for throughout the country for several years. Under such conditions, wood burning has greatly contributed to people with asthma or other respiratory ailments being warned against moving outdoors. It has gone so far that kindergartens have had to keep the children inside. The fire service estimated in 2020 that there were up to 30,000 old, polluting fireplaces in Bergen. In 2017, a deposit scheme was put in place. People in the city receive a subsidy of NOK 5,000 if they replace an old boiler with a new, clean-burning boiler. DUST: The ban on burning wood in old fireplaces and fireplaces may be lifted in Bergen, because electricity has become so expensive. Photo: news. – The air is good now City councilor for climate, environment and transport, Thor Haakon Bakke (MDG), believes that today’s energy crisis situation means that the ban should go away. – In addition, the mortgage scheme and the ban have worked well and many have switched to clean-burning stoves. Bergen now has some of the best air quality among European cities, he says based on an EU report. Bakke also refers to a recent report from the Norwegian Institute for Air Research. According to the city council, air pollution in the city is now so low that the drastic fire ban can no longer be justified. He still does not think that Bergen’s air is “fresh”. – In dry periods with strong cold and little wind, the air in Bergensdalen can become acutely bad. Then we will still be able to use measures such as data driving and road washing. Even if they want to remove the ban, the aim of the city council is still to reduce the number of old omnars. LOW ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Old stoves and fireplaces produce a lot of airborne dust and little energy compared to new, clean-burning stoves. Photo: Erlend Aas, Aas, Erlend Meeting opposition The ban has gained new attention during the electricity crisis. Thomas Flesland (Sp) is one of those who think the ban does not fit into 2022. – It would be stupid if people have to go into this winter without being able to use their fireplace, he said in the city council this week. The day before the city council meeting, the city council signaled that they will remove the entire ban before the turn of the year. But the minority city council of Ap, MDG and Venstre needs support from several parties to get a majority. The center party is in line with the city council, but on the left both SV and Raudt are critical of scrapping the ban. – We should not wish to go back to a time when the air was dirty and harmful to health, says Jarle Brattespe (SV). He believes the proposal is neither good for the community nor the individual, nor as a contribution to the electricity crisis. POISON LID: On cold, dry winter days, large, densely populated parts of Bergen have had periods of unhealthy air quality, much due to wood burning. Photo: Ingfrid Berge Fossåskaret / news – Old boilers only have half as good energy utilization as new, clean-burning boilers. The proposal is bad when I need to save on precious energy. Raudt’s group leader, May Liss Åkerblom, is against lifting the ban, and would rather double the support for clean-burning omn to NOK 10,000. Going against budget comrades Thus, the city council is dependent on the bourgeois party to get the ban removed when the city council will consider the matter in October. Both the Center Party, Christian Folkeparti, Høgre and Framstegspartiet support the Ap-led city council’s proposal to allow polluting, old wood stoves and fireplaces. Thus, it is likely that the city council will defy SV and Raudt, from whom they need support for the most important thing this autumn: Getting a majority for the Bergen budget for 2023. Hey!” I have written this case about the municipality allowing wood burning in the face of the electricity crisis. If you have any tips for me on similar matters, please get in touch!
