Pink explosive plastic clip from Rogfast found from Stavanger to Haugesund – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

Torbjørn Nilsen always uses a few Sundays each month to clean the beach area. This Sunday, the sight that met him on Langøy in Stavanger was disturbing. – It was something we have not seen before. Over 25–30 pink plastic clips from Rogfast. The Swedish Road Administration went out before the weekend and asked for tips if people spotted such, says Nilsen. Electronic igniters are used when blasting is to be done in the road project. When the wires are connected together on the tunnel wall, they are connected using connecting clips made of plastic. The pink plastic clips are easily visible when they are washed ashore. Photo: Torbjørn Nilsen Found in several places It is not only on Langøy that pink plastic clips have been found which probably originate from the blasting work at Rogfast. According to Jæren Friluftsråd and the Nature Conservation Association, pink plastic clips have been found in Hundvåg, Grødem and in Mekjarvik. In addition, pink plastic clips were also found in the Haugesund area last week. At the big red circle, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration has been given permission to deposit stone from Rogfast. The other red circles are find sites for plastic clips on the south side of Boknafjorden. – This is not supposed to happen, and then it happens anyway. Then something has fundamentally failed. We find that disappointing and very surprising, says Erik Thoring, general manager of the Nature Conservation Association Rogaland. Erik Thoring is general manager of the Nature Conservancy in Rogaland. Photo: Odd Rune Kyllingstad / news – There must be consequences During the construction of the Ryfast tunnel projects and the T-connection in Rogaland, the fjords have been full of plastic waste. The Swedish Road Administration has promised fines and improvements when Rogfast was to be built, and therefore this is extra disappointing, Thoring believes. Plastic clip from Rogfast found on Langøy in Stavanger. Photo: Torbjørn Nilsen – It is almost a little absurd that this could occur shortly after the fade with Ryfast. Thoring believes the findings of plastic clips must have consequences. – Here the State Administrator should order Rogfast to cut the use of these plastic clips immediately. It is a serious situation, quite simply. Pink plastic clips have also been found in Mekjarvik. In addition, many plastic detonation cables have been found, but it is uncertain whether these are new. Photo: Arve Jaatun, Jæren Friluftsråd – Uheldig Oddvar Kaarmo is project manager for E39 Rogfast. He says the Norwegian Public Roads Administration is working on the matter and takes it seriously. – Plastic in the sea is always unfortunate. Now we want to map how big the problem is, says Kaarmo. Project manager for E39 Rogfast, Oddvar Kaarmo. When Rogfast is ready, it will be the world’s longest and deepest undersea tunnel. So a lot of blasting in the sea in the next few years. Photo: Anders Haualand / news He thinks there is a high probability that these plastic clips come from the Rogfast development. – The junction boxes that are connected to the electric igniters must be with the blasting stone filling down. Some of these do not join, and therefore plastic clips are found all around, he says. A picture that the Swedish Road Administration has sent out to show what they want messages about. Photo: Norwegian Public Roads Administration Now Norwegian Public Roads Administration wants anyone who finds such plastic clips to report to them. – We want to get feedback so that we can make a plan for how to deal with the problem, says the project manager. Don’t like plastic in the sea It is the Norwegian Environment Agency that has granted the discharge permit for the blasting work in Rogfast. It will therefore take some time before county environmental protection manager Marit Sundsvik Bendixsen at the State Administrator in Rogaland can possibly stop the blasting work. – We do not like that there is plastic in the sea, and we are concerned with preventing it. I have just been made aware of the issue. We now have to read up on what is in the permit from the Norwegian Environment Agency, and hear what we can do, says Bendixsen. The Norwegian Nature Conservancy calls for progress. – The Norwegian Road Administration has not even managed to clean up after itself after the construction of Ryfast. When the emissions from Rogfast reach their peak, this is completely beyond, says Erik Thoring. Volunteer Nilsen, who found the plastic clips in the local beach area, hopes that a deposit scheme will be introduced for them. – This could turn into a positive thing. If people could pick up litter in the beach zone, it could make a difference. He has already mentioned the idea to the Norwegian Road Administration. – I suggested introducing a charity scheme where the income goes to the Children’s Cancer Association or Team Rynkeby. I don’t need the money. The littering is already there, and this could create a good commitment, says Nilsen. Hedda Nilsen is often with dad Torbjørn Nilsen on the Sunday walks where they clean the beach area. Photo: Torbjørn Nilsen
