– Pink and glamor already exist – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Today’s topic in the Debate is “Why should news have a podcast with Sophie Elise?” (follow the broadcast above). There has been a storm surrounding the influencer Sofie Steen Isachsen (28), known as Sophie Elise, recently. The background is a picture she published on her Instagram profile almost two weeks ago. Sophie Elise is associated with news through the podcast “Sophie og Fetisha”. Sofie Sinnes (16) is critical of news choosing to produce content that she believes young people can get on all other platforms. She thinks it’s uncreative. – The public broadcaster has a responsibility to think anew. Much of Sophie Elise’s career is based on media storms, and it is wrong for news to jump on that, says Sinnes. Sophie Sinnes (16). Photo: Bethel Britto / news She has heard an episode of the podcast “Sophie and Fetisha”, and did not think it was entertaining. – Pink and glamor already exist in the media image, and are not representative of all young girls. The podcast is not suitable for everyone. There is little substance in a media image that is already full of gossip. – Can’t see the point Marit Moren Fjeld thinks it’s a shame that news spends time and resources on a commercial and established player rather than promoting new talent. – I wonder who they spoke to when they chose her as their profile, what assessments did they make? I have the impression that they have chosen her only because she is Sophie Elise, says Fjeld. – I cannot see the point in promoting Sophie Elise when she is so clear on all other channels. Marit Moen Fjeld. Photo: Bethel Britto / news Commentator in VG, Selma Moren, has supported Sophie Elise in the past. Now she has turned around. – I wish Isachsen took more responsibility and explained what has happened. I want an answer, says Moren. Selma Moren, commentator in VG. Photo: Bethel Britto / news Broadcasting manager: Will discuss with Sophie Elise In a column on Thursday, broadcasting manager Vibeke Fürst Haugen writes that they have not taken into account well enough how extensive the commercial business is – and more generally how demanding it is to have adequate ongoing control against press ethics and our internal guidelines. – We will therefore sit down with Sophie Elise in the near future and discuss how to handle this, and whether it is compatible to be an influencer and a full-time news contractor at the same time, writes Haugen. Broadcasting manager Vibeke Fürst Haugen. She believes the debate may give the impression that Sophie and Fetisha’s podcast is the only offer news has for young listeners. She also points out that news has a varied offer for young people on both audio, TV and online. – Sophie Elise provokes many, and many think a lot about her. We believed when we engaged her – and I still believe – that there is room for her voice in our mix of content. news has previously stated that the Instagram picture has no consequences for the podcast collaboration. Controversial image In the Instagram image that has made headlines recently, Sophie Elise stands next to a friend. In her left hand, her friend holds a small transparent plastic bag containing something white. The caption reads: “Life is about a billion times more fun when you just give a damn.” Sophie Elise is one of Norway’s biggest influencers and has over 580,000 followers on Instagram. Sophie Elise: – I have put myself in this situation. news started a podcast with Sophie Elise to focus on young people. In today’s episode of “Sophie and Fetisha”, she broke the silence around the Instagram photo for the first time. The episode is called “The Elephant in the Room”. – I have put myself in this situation, I am the one who has done it here, says Isachsen in the episode. – I don’t feel sorry for myself. This is just something I have to take. In last week’s podcast episode, the photo was not mentioned. Storm of complaints So far, 3,659 complaints have been received by the Broadcasting Council in connection with the Instagram post. It is therefore the second most filed case in the council’s history. Member of the Broadcasting Council, Trude Drevland, has previously asked that the case be dealt with. The picture that was published has also caused reactions among Sophie Elise’s partners. Among other things, the store chain Vita, which sells Isachsen’s cosmetic series Glöd, has said that they distance themselves from the attitudes and values ​​that are communicated in the image. Sophie Elise (28) in the podcast studio. Photo: Petter Nielsen news previously received 42 complaints about the podcast “Sophie og Fetisha”. Most of the complaints are reactions to the fact that news has chosen to associate Isachsen as a profile. Sofie Steen Isachsen is associated with news through the podcast “Sophie og Fetisha”. Her client is news Entertainment. news Nyheter works journalistically independently with this case.
