Photos of destruction inside the shopping center – employees escape to other premises – news Trøndelag

It was on 6 January that a 60 meter high crane overturned the Melhustorget shopping center in Trøndelag. A woman in her 50s from Trondheim died. The accident caused the building to lack electricity, heat, water and ventilation. On Tuesday, the center opened its doors for the first time after the accident. Inside the center, parts of the roof are completely destroyed. – It has been a very sad feeling to see everything has stopped and become quiet. We have ended up in a situation we never dreamed would happen. That’s what Lars Erik Sjømo, owner of Melhus shopping center AS, says. There is extensive damage to the roof of the centre. Photo: Morten Andersen / news Uncertain whether the entire center must be demolished Sjømo says it is a complicated process to remove the crane, which is still above the centre. This is because it spans the roof, and can cause major damage if proper preparation is not done. – Everyone wants that crane gone, but at the same time it has to be done in a safe and gentle way, says the owner of the centre. It is currently unknown whether the entire center will have to be demolished, or whether it will be restored. The costs decide. – We hope to find out during February whether it is a demolition object or a repair object, says Sjømo. Picture taken inside the center on Tuesday morning. Photo: Morten Andersen / news Building new premises 300 employees at more than 20 stores were made redundant. Employees in chain stores are being redeployed to other stores in the region, says the center manager. Now several of the shop owners have joined forces to start up in new premises. The drivers behind Brillesalongen, Cecilia, Lykke Liten and Sport 1 have entered into leases with Thoragården in Melhus. Carpenters are now on site to build the new shops in what has until now been empty premises. – The goal is to move on after this tragic accident, says Anita Wold, owner of Brillesalongen. From left: Anita H. Wold, general manager and owner Brillesalongen AS, Arunee Tanita Hammer, general manager and owner Lykke Liten, Terje Nervik, general manager and owner Sport1, Dordi Refset, owner and general manager Cicelia. Photo: Privat Will not be near cranes Melhustorget is to be rebuilt in 2027, but Wold’s shop has not received a new contract. At the same time, several employees are relieved not to have to deal with the old premises. In a press release from the four stores, they write the following: “We know that many customers and employees will not stay near cranes after the accident. All the shops that are now moving into Thoragården had employees at work when the accident happened, and we fully understand how some people experience this tragedy.” – Those who were present when this happened have become a bit wary of loud, sudden noises, and find it unpleasant to be near such a construction site now, says Wold. She adds that most employees are doing better now, but that the local environment in Melhus is strongly affected. Most people at the center knew the deceased woman in her 50s. – There are many who are having a hard time. They are probably the ones who have difficulties with this for a long, long time afterwards, says Wold. Hoping to become a new meeting place The aim is that the shops in the new premises can contribute to a cozy gathering place for the local population in Melhus. Because a vacuum has arisen after Melhustoget closed its doors. – It has become very gray and sad and quiet at Melhus. Melhustorget was not just a shopping centre, but a gathering place for many, says Wold. She is optimistic about the future and is looking forward to moving into the new premises: – We will get back on the horse, and we are very much looking forward to that. Now we can focus on something good, both for employees and for the center of Melhus.
