Pest companies must remove geithamsbol – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– Many people become completely hysterical and scared when they discover a bol. Geithamsen is quite large, says Roger Martinsen in Buskerud Pest Control. Norway’s largest wasp has given him several new assignments in the last two years. – At the end of August, it is not unusual to have two to three jobs a day, Martinsen says. Geithamsen likes to build his nests inside hollow trees, but also in attics or roof ridges. Large bol – The boles are quite large. When we are going to remove them, the goat ham becomes quite aggressive. The whole body is shaking, says the pest controller. However, he urges people to leave the wasp alone, if it is not a nuisance or perceived as a threat. Pest control Roger Martinsen has to go out daily to remove goat ham nests in late summer. Photo: Private – Geithamsen never uses the same body twice. When the freezing temperatures come, it disappears. – Have you been stabbed yourself? – No, fortunately not. One of the customers was stabbed in the foot. He could not walk in two days, says Martinsen. Several other companies that offer pest control paint the same picture. Geithamsen has come to stay, having almost been away from Norwegian nature for 100 years. – In the last three years, we have received several inquiries from people who want to remove goat ham bol, says claims manager Stein Norstein in Anticimex. – Has taken Norway back – Geithamsen is spread over large parts of Eastern and Southern Norway, and has become very common in many places. It has taken Norway back, says senior adviser Torstein Kvamme at the Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomics. He believes the wasp species will continue to spread throughout the country. – It still has the potential to spread more. I definitely think it will come to Western Norway. How far north it will come, no one can answer, says Kvamme. Senior Adviser Torstein Kvamme at the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomics. – Are you surprised at how fast this wasp has spread? – Both in terms of number of insects and distribution, this has gone faster than previously thought. According to Kvamme, the goat hamster is a predatory insect that likes to have honey bees on the menu. “Some beekeepers fear that it will attack the hives and damage honey production,” he says. Asian goat hams may appear in Norway in the future. Photo: Colourbox / Daniel Solabarriata Asian monster wasp If you think the goat hamster is scary, Kvamme has bad news. Warmer climates mean that hitherto unknown species migrate north. – Asian geithams have already come to both Germany and the UK. I think it’s only a matter of time before it comes here to Norway. It also poses a threat to beekeepers. Geitham photos are diligently shared on social media. This was found in Rollag in Buskerud. Photo: Private Another alien wasp species that may appear in Norway in the future, is the Japanese giant wasp, also called mandarin wasp. It is the world’s largest wasp species, and weighs the same as 6-7 goat hamsters together. – It has come to North America, and has spread strongly there. It is a giant wasp, says Kvamme.
