Person with stab wounds in Oslo after being robbed – police ask witnesses to come forward – Latest news – news

31 March 2023 at 23:40 Person with stab wounds in Oslo after being robbed – police ask witnesses to come forward The police in Oslo have come across a person with stab wounds in Torshov. – The victim must have been the victim of a robbery at Sinsen subway station before he was found, reports the police in Oslo on Twitter. The victim is to be considered slightly injured. In the morning hours on Saturday, the police said that they had a clearer picture of which people were involved in the incident. – The problem is that the police have been working on investigative steps all night, and raided several places and obtained a good deal of video, says Eivind Håndstad at the Oslo police crime watch. – We have been working on it all night now, and we feel quite sure that we have possibly identified one or more perpetrators, he adds. He says that the police have a hypothesis that there has been a prelude to the incident. – Going forward, the police will continue to work on the case. There is going to be a lot of video surveillance, and a compilation of witness statements and other technical traces and evidence, says Håndstad. The result will determine the further direction of the investigation.
