Person to hospital after being stabbed with a knife – Latest news – news

22 April 2023 at 06:01 Person to hospital after being stabbed A man was stabbed in the back on Saturday night at a party in an apartment in Årvoll in Oslo. The man has been admitted to Ullevål, and is seriously, but not life-threatening, injured. The police received a report about the incident from the man himself at 4.30am. One person has been arrested in the case. – He was awake, but was taken by the ambulance to hospital for further follow-up, operations manager Vidar Pedersen in the Oslo police district tells NTB. He says it is unclear to the police what has actually happened and says they are still unraveling the case. The victim has not been questioned. The incident took place indoors. – There has been some sort of party or something like that at the site, and we have to work a bit to get the information we want out. This is not a very talkative clientele, to put it that way, says the operations manager.
