Person stabbed in Bærum – ambulance performs life-saving efforts – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Police and ambulance moved out after receiving a notification from AMK around 9.30pm. Operations manager in the police, Rune Hekkelstrand, tells news that one person must have been stabbed. The stabbing is said to have taken place on board a bus at Bærum Hospital on Friday evening. The victim, a man, is being treated by the healthcare system, says Hekkelstrand, and adds: – The healthcare system has been working with life-saving efforts since they arrived on the scene. The extent of the damage is still unknown. The perpetrator is still at large, confirms the operations manager. He also states that there are several witnesses to the incident, and that the police are present with more resources. – The police are on the scene with dog patrol, helicopter and other resources.
