Person shot by the police in the EC fanzone in Hamburg – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Over 40,000 fans are said to have celebrated peacefully in the Dutch fan zone before the European Championship match between Poland and the Netherlands on Sunday. Around 12.30 today, the police had to take action against a rebellious man who attacked fans. According to the German newspaper Bild, the police must have first used pepper spray against the attacker, before they had to draw their firearms. Several shots are said to have been fired before the man finally fell to the ground. The police in Hamburg have confirmed the incident at X. “There is currently a major police operation underway. According to the first reports, a person threatened the police with a pickaxe and a firebomb. They then used their firearms. The person is injured and is now undergoing medical treatment.” Published 16.06.2024, at 13.22 Updated 16.06.2024, at 13.27
