Person missing after house fire in Oslo – Latest news – news

June 10, 2022 at 22:55 Person missing after house fire in Oslo A resident is missing after a fire in a detached house in Bjørndal in Oslo, reports TV 2. The fire was notified at 20 o’clock on Friday, and the house was overheated when the fire brigade arrived. There was a moment of danger spreading and two neighboring houses were evacuated. The house has been badly damaged. Avisa Oslo reports that there were two people in the house when the fire started. One has been transported to Ullevål hospital with unclear extent of damage. Smoke divers from the fire service have been inside the house, reports Oslo 110 Central. Extinguishing will take place overnight. The police state that they are in dialogue with relatives, but that fire technical investigations are only done when post-extinguishing is completed.
