Perfume with pheromones should give you the attraction promises to influence – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

Have ads for a new perfume ticked into your feed too? This is not traditional perfume, but a fragrance that should contain pheromones. In other words, chemical signals that are sent between animals. Companies promise that the perfume gives you more charm and attraction. In addition, several claim that this is scientifically proven. – It should make the type or person you like more attracted to you, and make them want to try themselves on you. That’s what Elisa Bang Hamnes (17) says. She has seen several videos on TikTok about pheromone perfume. But is it really true that you can be attracted by spraying yourself with such chemical signals? Videos abound where people try pheromone perfume and brag about its effect on the opposite sex. Photo: Screen dump / news More people want to try One of the biggest players has posted almost 400 different videos on TikTok about the effects of pheromones. Most of the young people we talk to have caught the videos on social media. – There is a lot about it on TikTok. There they show that they wear it and that their girlfriends notice their smell, says Mina Forsback Johnsen (17). She and her friend Elisa Bang Hamnes (17) are a little skeptical: – It could just as well be a scam. Even if someone says it works, it doesn’t have to, says Hamnes. Mina Forsback Johnsen (17) says she has friends who have bought the perfume in the hope of attracting boys. Photo: Marthe Svendsen / news Tony André Martinsen (18) and Tonje Beate Moen (19) have also received videos of young women who spray themselves with pheromones and “finally” get attracted. – You can see that a person goes completely crazy from the smell. There must be something great about it, adds Moen. Both are unsure whether the perfume will work, but want to try it anyway: – Yes, of course. I want to attract boys then, says Moen. Tonje Beate Moen (19) likes to try pheromone perfume if it gives the attraction. Photo: Marthe Svendsen / news Young people skip doctor’s appointments and vaccines due to fear of injections Lure signals among animals Pheromones are chemical signals sent between animals. They can trigger a specific behavior within a species. The signals can show the way, scare away competitors or lure others to them – to have sex. Pheromones play a decisive role when: Male dogs are able to find a female in heat Ants help other ants find their way home to the roost Wolf marks their territory and scares others away Grasshoppers gather in large swarms Researchers have even shown that a sexually mature male mouse can send release pheromones that cause young female mice to enter puberty. A female mouse can reach puberty faster if she picks up pheromones emitted by a sexually mature male mouse. Photo: Trond Berg / news – The sex pheromones are a very important part of the olfactory system and are absolutely fundamental for reproduction in many species. So says Bente G. Berg, professor of psychology at NTNU. She researches how the brain perceives smell, by studying night owls – which have a surprising amount in common with humans when it comes to smell. Several species have a so-called vomeronasal organ in the nose, which captures pheromones. There is thus no doubt that these are affected by pheromones. But the perfume manufacturers claim that this type of olfactory signal can also influence human behaviour. A typical advertisement for pheromone perfumes or oils. Photo: Skjermdump / news Pig saliva Several manufacturers say they have added androstenone to their perfume and that this works as a pheromone. This steroid has been found, among other things, in pig saliva. But the researchers news has spoken to say that so far no pheromones have been found that affect us humans. The reason is, among other things, that we have no functioning organ that can pick up the pheromones. The researchers believe it is therefore obvious that we humans are not affected by pheromones, as other species are: – We humans are actually exempt from this, says researcher Bente G. Berg. Pheromone perfumes will then also not work to attract the opposite sex, says Berg: – I strongly doubt this advertisement. Bente Berg is professor of psychology at NTNU and researches smell. Photo: Marthe Svendsen / news Several companies, such as Hjemsol AS, write that pheromones are “scientifically proven to increase attraction and enhance your natural charm”. They further promise that 95% of those who used the perfume noticed a significant increase in the number of men attracted to them. news has not succeeded in getting Hjemsol to answer questions about their perfumes and marketing. Advice: Focus on your own body scent But even if people are not controlled by pheromones, smell is probably important for who we are attracted to, says Berg. Each person emits a unique scent, and also has its own systems to capture smells. Berg says that spraying yourself with pheromones from pigs may work against its purpose, also because these cover up our own unique scent signals. The same can apply to those who use large amounts of “regular” perfume. The researcher has clear advice for people who want to attract others with the help of smell: – We should focus on our own unique body odor instead of covering it up with something that is irrelevant. The researcher’s advice is simple: Bet on your own natural scent. She adds that you should of course shower regularly and use deodorant. Photo: news
