Perfume sales are increasing sharply, but it can trigger allergies – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

The shelves in the bathroom of some Norwegian boys are about to be filled with perfume bottles. Many confirmands spend their money precisely on good smells. For the shops this smell of money. For the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association, it is more of a whiff of trouble. – It is a little worrying that sales of perfume are increasing. We may have more perfume allergy sufferers in the future, says Kent Hart, subject manager for biology and chemistry in the organisation. Risk sports – The main challenge with increased perfume use is that perfume contains a number of substances that are potentially allergenic, says Hart. Sometimes our immune system makes a ‘mistake’ and says that something in the perfume is dangerous. This creates a defense against this substance. It can give you rashes and eczema where you spray the perfume. Therefore, Hart in the NAAF wants people to try to limit the use of good smells to avoid developing allergies. – You have to avoid that drug for the rest of your life, so it’s a pretty serious problem. Kent Hart works at the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association. Photo: NAAF If you have first become allergic, you must learn the chemical name of the substance your body is reacting to. You have to start reading the package insert and distinguish between the 80 different substances that may be listed on the packaging. Anything to avoid getting a reaction. – It can get pretty bad where you use the perfume, says Hart. It is also a problem that you cannot know in advance who will or will not be allergic, he says. – It’s a risky sport, you might say. Still younger At the Norwegian chain Fredrik & Louisa, fragrance sales have doubled in some of the stores over the past year. – Growth will continue in 2024, says managing director Eric Rivelsrud. He says that the entire perfume market is growing. Photo: Jørgen Leangen / news – The latest figures we have received from the Cosmetic Suppliers Association show a perfume growth of 22 per cent in the first half of 2023 compared to the first half of 2022. The industry still clearly sells most to women. But also in Denmark and the USA, more perfume is sold than before, writes DR. On TikTok, perfume influencers like thecologneboy and thatfragrancekid have gained millions of followers. According to Rivelsrud, there has been a change in the way Norwegians view perfume. It also applies to young people. – Both boys and girls, at ever younger ages. We target all our campaigns at adults, but see that younger people are also influenced by trends and innovation. Photo: Jørgen Leangen / news He says that they want to be responsible, and that the employees provide guidance and information on the safe use of perfume. – It is important to recognize that children’s interest in perfume can be linked to social demands and expectations. Some advice Kent Hart of the allergy association would prefer that we use as little perfume as possible. The reason is that there are some around us who react to the good smell. For some, it is so bad that they cannot go to work or school. – The absolute safest way to use a classic perfume is not to be in contact with it. But that is hopeless advice to give to someone who wants to use perfume, says Hart. Photo: Jørgen Leangen / news He therefore lists these three points: Limit use. Do not use the strongest perfume. Consider whether you can spray the scent on clothes or something else. In some workplaces, such as hospitals, employees are not allowed to wear perfume. – However, the Working Environment Act does not cover children in secondary schools, only the employees. There is a small failure there, Hart believes. Published 11.06.2024, at 17.57
