Per-Willy Amundsen wants re-election to the Storting – news Troms and Finnmark

Per-Willy Amundsen (Frp) has informed the nomination committee in Troms Frp that he wants re-election to the Storting. – I am strongly motivated to continue the work to implement FrP policy for the best for Troms, writes Amundsen in an e-mail to news. Amundsen states that he has the ambition that the party will fight to get two representatives from Troms at the next election in 2025. – That will give us extra power to demand success for our voters, writes Amundsen further. In March, it became known that the Frp’s former head of the justice committee at the Storting, Per-Willy Amundsen from Harstad in Troms, had been stripped of all positions in the Progress Party, beyond being a Storting representative until 31 January 2025. This after several statements on social media . FRP leader Sylvi Listhaug has communicated via her press manager that she does not wish to comment on Amundsen’s decision. This is because she, as leader, does not get involved in the nomination process. Screenshot “It’s usually you who kill us” Thursday 7 March – at 22:10 Screenshot “Let’s count you up … And send you out”7. March – at 10.10 pm screenshot facebook “We men are nothing, we mean nothing”8. March at 02.10 – Published on Per-Willy Amundsen’s Facebook page. Motivated – I am very motivated to work for my constituency. There are a lot of important issues that are waiting in the queue going forward, and which will be decisively important for the development of the region and Troms, says Amundsen, before he continues: – It is about the Defence, road development, railways and about preventing electrification. All in all, there are a great many important issues now that we are facing. – When you now want re-election, have you said anything about being on top? – I have given the nomination committee a response to their inquiry and informed them that I want to continue where I am. But it is therefore up to the nomination committee to assess it, and up to the final nomination meeting to decide. “Ultimately, it is the voters who decide whether trust is renewed.” The case continues below the video. Oslo police district institutes criminal proceedings after several complaints against Frp politician Per-Willy Amundsen, after he published controversial posts on his Facebook page. Local support Despite strong reactions from several, several local politicians in Troms expressed their support for Amundsen. – If Amundsen wants to continue in the Storting after the 2025 election, he has my full support, said group leader in Troms Frp, Kristian Eilertsen, to news. – He has made a mistake now, but there must be room for forgiveness. He has received a severe sentence, and when he has served that sentence, he will stand on the same level as everyone else, said leader of the Troms Frp, Eivind Stene. SUPPORT: Group leader in Troms Frp, stated early on that he would support a possible re-election of Amundsen. Photo: HENRIK EINANGSHAUG/news First himself is now well satisfied that Amundsen wants to continue in the Storting. – He has done a very good job for us for a long time, and I know he will also do so in the future, says Eilertsen to news on Friday. When asked what the support from, among others, Eilertsen and Stene has meant for his decision, Amundsen replies: – I really appreciate the support I have received from my own party in Troms. I perceive that support as very important, and I appreciate it very much. – Strict Per-Willy Amundsen himself described the exclusion as follows: – It was strict, but I take it into account, Amundsen told news. Amundsen stated early on that he did not rule out that he would allow himself to be renominated for the upcoming general election. – I want to talk to my voters in Troms, he said. CONTINUES: Per-Willy Amundsen wants re-election to the Storting. Photo: William Jobling / news The beginning at the end When the police investigation into Amundsen became known, after several people reported him for his statements in social media, the editor of Harstad Tidende, Kjell Rune Henriksen, believed that the case could be the nail in the coffin for Amundsen’s political career . – With this case here, I am quite sure that it is now over, he said to news. EDITOR: Kjell Rune Henriksen in Harstad Tidende. Photo: Henrik Einangshaug / news Henriksen, who has been editor of the local newspaper since 2012, had no doubt that Amundsen has meant a lot to the region. When asked what he thought Amundsen would be remembered for, if the statements on Facebook would be the end for Amundsen, he replied: – It’s a bit of a shame, but it is the controversial Per-Willy Amundsen – with the latest statements – who will be people associate with Per-Willy. Then you forget all the good he has done. Published 14.06.2024, at 09.59 Updated 14.06.2024, at 11.49
