Per-Willy Amundsen receives criticism for statements on Facebook – news Troms and Finnmark

The case in summary: Per-Willy Amundsen, head of the justice committee at the Storting and former minister of justice, has made controversial statements about “Arabs” and Islam on Facebook. The statements have caused strong political reactions, and many believe they are clearly racist. Amundsen has not answered news’s ​​questions about the statements, but has told VG that he will not regret anything he has written. Ingvild Wetrhus Thorsvik from Venstre and Andreas Sjalg Unneland from SV think the FRP should consider whether Amundsen is the right person to represent the justice committee. FRP leader Sylvi Listhaug has not yet given any statement on the matter. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. “With Norway and Israel against Arabs who kill people, as you are in the habit of doing. So go somewhere else with your morals. It’s usually you who kill us. And Islam has a whole bunch of psychopaths who kill.” This was written by the head of the justice committee in the Storting, former justice minister Per-Willy Amundsen (Frp), on Facebook late Thursday evening, in a post where he received the following accusation: “With Israel for genocide. Psychopaths”. Photo: Screenshot This, and several other statements from the Frp politician, are now causing strong reactions politically. – It is way over the line. Per-Willy Amundsen is one of Norway’s most powerful justice politicians, and makes clearly racist statements, says member of the justice committee, Andreas Sjalg Unneland (SV), to news, RASISTISK SV’s Andreas Sjalg Unneland believes the statements of Per-Willy Amundsen are racist. Photo: William Jobling / news – Journey to Hell In the Facebook post, the former Minister of Justice clearly expresses his view on Islam. “Islamists who speak out here can go to hell. I will do everything I can to send you home to your homeland. If you express yourself with anti-Semitic attitudes here until 2025, we can clean it up. Let’s count you up … And send you out,” wrote Amundsen. Photo: Screenshot Sjalg Unneland is clear that Amundsen’s statements should have consequences. – I think it is to stigmatize a group of people as “Arabs” or an entire religion in the way Per-Willy Amundsen does. If that’s not racism, I wonder what is. Sjalg Unneland receives support from Venstre’s member of the committee, Ingvild Wetrhus Thorsvik. – I am deeply shocked by what he writes. These are worrying statements from which I strongly distance myself. It is hateful rhetoric, which is dangerous and harmful. SHOCKED: Venstres Ingvild Wetrhus Thorsvik describes Amundsen’s statements as worrying. Photo: William Jobling / news Will not regret news has submitted the statements to Skjalg Unneland and Thorsvik for Per-Willy Amundsen. The FRP politician has not yet answered news’s ​​questions on the matter. He says to VG that he does not want to regret anything he has written. – No, I do not apologize to that group of activists, says Amundsen to VG. Several of the posts have subsequently been deleted. DOES NOT REGRET: Per-Willy Amundsen does not want to regret the statements, which are now causing strong reactions in the committee he chairs. Here from my hometown Harstad. Photo: Henrik Einangshaug / news Leader of Troms Frp – which Amundsen represents – Eivind Stene, does not want to criticize his party colleague for the statements. – We can all be provoked by what is written on Facebook every now and then, even politicians. I don’t think we should place so much emphasis on what is written in a comment field. I also read that several comments have been deleted afterwards, says Stene, before he continues: – It is well known in Norway that parts of radical Islam have attitudes that are completely beyond what we want to highlight as good values, says the county manager , and refers to, among other things, views of women, views of Jews, the death penalty and homosexuals. NO CRITICISM: Frp’s county leader in Troms, Eivind Stene, does not want to criticize his party colleague for his statements on Facebook. Photo: Henrik Einangshaug / news Questioning leadership role Thorsvik emphasizes that Amundsen, as head of the justice committee, represents the entire committee. She points out that the statements are the exact opposite of the human outlook, values ​​and principles she has as a representative of the Liberal Party, and which she believes the committee and the Storting must protect. – The FRP should undoubtedly make a very thorough assessment of whether he is the right person to represent the committee, and clarify whether these are opinions they, as a party, stand behind. She is supported by Sjalg Unneland, who believes it is difficult to see the statements as compatible with being head of the justice committee. – I think that Sylvi Listhaug must answer whether these are opinions she finds acceptable, and why he should possibly be able to hold the office he has, says the Sv representative. news has so far not succeeded in getting a statement from Frp leader Sylvi Listhaug.
