– Pelosi resigns as leader of the House of Representatives – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Pelosi opened her speech by telling about her first meeting with the US Congress building, The Capitol. – This is the most beautiful building in the world, because of what it represents. The Capitol is the temple to our democracy, to our Constitution, and to our highest ideals. – There is no greater official honor for me than to stand on this floor and speak to the people of San Francisco. I will continue to do this as a member of the House. In the future, she added, she will not seek re-election to the leadership post. She thanked for the support she has received, from her family, from the people of San Francisco, and the representatives in Congress, and left to a standing ovation. Pelosi (82) has previously been under pressure from younger Democrats to give up power, after two periods as leader, reports Reuters. She has been elected to the House of Representatives from San Francisco for over 30 years. She has also held the role under three American presidents. Pelosi has previously told CNN that the attack on her husband by an intruder with a hammer has affected how she thinks about running for re-election. – It is frightening when the family is subjected to violence and threats, so it must be up to the families to decide, she said at the time, clearly distressed. Today, when she spoke to Congress, – Democracy must always be protected against those who want it badly, Pelosi said when she spoke to Congress today. Conspiracy theorist charged with the attack on Paul Pelosi David Wayne DePape is charged, among other things, with attempted abduction and attempted murder, after Paul Pelosi was attacked with a hammer in their home in San Francisco. He is portrayed in a court document from Reuters after he appeared in court on Tuesday, also accused of having exercised violence against the spouse of an American politician. When he entered Pelosiane’s home, according to the court documents, he is said to have shouted: “Where is Nancy?”, and to have intended to hold her hostage. A sizzle from the trial of David Wayne DePape, who is charged with the attack on Paul Pelosi. Photo: VICKI BEHRINGER / Reuters DePape is said to have said that he was going to let Nancy go free if she told the “truth”, but that he was going to break her “kneecaps” if she “lied”. Paul called 911 and spoke to the attacker in the meantime to keep the situation calm until the police arrived. Nancy was in Washington when the attack happened. DePape, who has previously spread right-wing conspiracy theories on social media, is said to have hit him on the head with a hammer and left him unconscious. Since then, Paul is said to have been operated on for a fracture in the skull and injuries to his hands and right arm. He is now on the road to recovery, according to the House of Representatives’ management office. They further report that it will take a long time before he is back on his feet, but that it is not expected that he will have a permanent injury. NBC and Fox News spread misinformation about the attack There has been a large amount of misinformation circulating on social media after the attack occurred. Among other things, the tweet of a Fox News journalist has spread like wildfire. This claimed that DePape was only wearing underwear when the police arrived at the house. Several alternative mediums in the US then reported that Paul Pelosi and the attacker had an affair, and that the latter wanted this to be known. Larger media houses such as NBC also made it seem likely that attackers and victims knew each other from before. The accused man was arrested by the police at Pelosi’s address in San Francisco. Photo: Eric Risberg / AP The reports have since been denied by the police, who said there was no evidence that the attacker and the victim knew each other. As a result, both NBC and Fox News retracted the stories they had published. – It is very sad for this country, that people who are so visible, separated themselves from the facts and the truth in such an open way, said Pelosi herself about the fake news. – It is very sad and it is traumatizing for those who are affected by it. They don’t care about this, it’s obvious, but it’s destructive to the cohesion we want in this country.
