Patient at Nordlandssykehuset died in his own home after the hospital did not call in for a check-up – news Nordland

The patient had received treatment at Nordlandssykehuset in Bodø last year. The person responded well to the treatment, and it was agreed to take a break for three months before the patient was called in for a check-up. But it was never done – and now the patient is dead. – This is a regrettable incident, writes the communications department at the hospital in an email to news. news has been given access to an incident chart that describes the sequence of events. An incident form shows that a patient died after he was not called in for a check-up at the right time. Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / news High sickness absence and heavy work pressure In the incident form, it is described that it was discovered at a meeting that the patient had not been called in. The next of kin had also called and requested a check. The health secretary was then informed that the patient had to have blood samples taken and get a new appointment as soon as possible. By then, however, the patient’s course of illness had worsened. Further complications had occurred and the patient died at home. The form states: “Over time, there has been a high level of sickness absence among health secretaries at xx. There will be too much to do on those who are left. They are unable to keep track of the waiting lists.” Findings from Delta’s survey: The main rule is that no substitutes are appointed in case of illness in hospitals 52 per cent of those who work in hospitals experience weekly negative stress The most important stress factors: Congested everyday work, poor organization 27 per cent have had work-related sickness absence Source: Delta’s survey from 2021 Gro Bengtson, union leader of the Health Secretaries’ Association in Delta, says they have not heard of the case in question and hopes this is an exception. – It is worrying if it can have such consequences, she says to news. The communications department at Nordlandssykehuset says changes have been made at the department after the incident. Read the answer further down in the case. Photo: Kåre Riibe Ramskjell Better routines will fix the staffing problem In the incident form, it is described that sick leave means that those who remain at work have too much to do. – Measures have been taken to avoid similar incidents, writes the communications department at the hospital. They refer to the fact that the supervisory authorities have dealt with the case. The State Administrator in Nordland writes in a letter to Nordland Hospital that the case has been closed. They conclude that the hospital has followed up the case well enough. The following measures are mentioned: A new routine has been established for collaboration between the health secretary and the doctors who are responsible for haematological patients. There are weekly meetings where all patients who are on waiting lists are reviewed. The full response from the State Administrator The State Administrator has reviewed the report received and we have concluded that the business has followed up the relationship in line with the Special Health Services Act § 3-4a, and regulations on management and quality improvement in the health and care service. We have been made aware that, following the incident, a new routine has been established for collaboration between the health secretary and the doctors responsible for haematological patients, and that it is the company’s assessment that this routine works well. There are also weekly meetings where all patients who are on waiting lists are reviewed. The purpose is to capture patients who are waiting, and for various reasons have not been called in. this ensures that patients who are waiting are summoned at the right time. The state administrator considers that the report shows that Nordlandssykehuset has followed up the incident in its quality improvement work. At the same time, we would like to emphasize the importance of continuous work on quality improvement, and that the management makes sure that the measures implemented are understood and are complied with, and evaluates whether the measures work in such a way that they lead to the desired and lasting change in practice. The state administrator in Nordland hereby considers the case closed. It is described that a new routine has been introduced, while the incident form describes that there is too much to do due to sickness absence. – How can a new routine fix a staffing problem? Won’t this routine impose even more work pressure on those in the job? – Our established routines ensure that patients who are waiting are caught and called in for an appointment, replies the communications department at the hospital. They repeat that weekly meetings have been established. – The introduction is an additional check with a review of the patients who are waiting, and the priorities that are made. All questions and answers to Nordlandssykehuset Photo: Bente H. Johansen news has asked a number of questions to Nordlandssykehuset’s communications department in connection with the case. How would you comment on this event? – This is a regrettable incident, where Nordlandssykehuset has held talks with the next of kin after the incident. The matter has been processed by the supervisory authorities, where the State Administrator in Nordland has concluded that the business has followed up the matter in line with the Specialist Health Services Act § 3-4a, and regulations on management and quality improvement in the health and care sector. Are there more patients who have died due to deviations in connection with staffing and/or absenteeism at Nordlandssykehuset in 2022? If yes; How many? – The cause of death in patients can be very complex, and it can be difficult to conclude on single factors as the cause of a death. What measures are being taken in the department to avoid similar incidents in the future? – The case has been carefully reviewed, and measures have been taken to avoid similar incidents. Unwanted incidents related to patient treatment and similar conditions must be reported as deviations. Deviations are dealt with in the clinic where the incident occurs, and in the case of serious incidents also in the health institution’s quality committee. 3.3 a incidents are also reported to the supervisory authorities. This matter has been dealt with by the supervisory authorities, see response above. Does Nordlandssykehuset have enough resources to avoid such incidents in the future? Nordlandssykehuset works continuously with quality and improvement work. Unwanted incidents are reported and measures taken immediately. Employees are encouraged to report all unwanted incidents/deviations so that we can review them and take the necessary measures. We greatly appreciate our employees reporting unwanted incidents/deviations. 1. It is described that a new routine has been introduced. How can a new routine fix a staffing problem? It is described that there is too much to do due to sick leave – won’t this routine impose even more work pressure on those who are at work? – Our established routines ensure that patients who are waiting are caught and called in for an appointment. Weekly meetings have been established to ensure better cooperation between the health secretaries and the doctors related to summoning patients. The introduction is an additional check with a review of the patients who are waiting, and the priorities that are made. – How is the recruitment of health secretaries going? A new health secretary has been appointed to this department in January 2023. Nordlandssykehuset currently has no recruitment challenges for health secretaries within this area. Terribly sad Gro Bengtson, union leader of the Health Secretaries’ Association in Delta, says it is broken if staffing is to go beyond patients. – I think it’s terribly sad. If you have not managed to solve the staffing situation, it is terribly sad. Nordlandssykehuset emphasizes that, as of today, they have no challenges related to the recruitment of healthcare nurses. Bengtson says it is mostly normal to get enough health nurses recruited in Norway. However, the incident chart points to high work pressure due to sickness absence. That there is a lot to do for employees in Norwegian hospitals is nothing new: The county manager of the Norwegian Nurses’ Association in Nordland, Gjertrud Krokaa, says, like Bengtson, that it is broken when patients are affected by such deviations. – Fortunately, it is rare that this happens, but one case is one too many. We shouldn’t have it that way.
