Party leader Audun Lysbakken in SV will not seek re-election – Latest news – news

9 November 2022 at 08:05 Party leader Audun Lysbakken in SV will not seek re-election This is revealed in a letter he has shared with SV members and the media. For eleven years he has led the party. – Everything has its time, and now it is right for me to take a step back and for the party to choose a new leader, he writes. He writes that it is the consideration for the family and the goal of having a calmer everyday life, which is the reason. – I hope I have managed to be both a present father and a good party leader. But it costs. For me and for my partner, she with whom I share my life and family. A year ago we had a little daughter. She has three older siblings, the two youngest of whom are ten and twelve. We have a few good but hectic years ahead of us. I want a quieter everyday life for my family while the youngest is small and the older brother and older sister are still children. If we are to get it, it must happen now. Lysbakken will hold a press conference at 9.30am.
