Parts of the oil must remain untouched – Latest news – news

June 3, 2022 at 08:20 LO: Parts of the oil must remain untouched The LO Congress has agreed on an oil compromise which states that parts of the petroleum resources on the Norwegian shelf will be left in peace. – We are pleased that we have reached a real compromise. This is a good first step in the right direction, says Martin Kvalvik in NTL Ung to news. He was among those who fought to slow down the exploration activity, but there was no majority for such a formulation. There are clear tensions within LO about how far the organization will go in demanding stricter framework conditions for the oil industry. Nevertheless, Congress unanimously agreed on a wording that states that “the oil industry should be developed, not wound up”. At the same time, it is stated that the resources that can be developed must be “economically and climatically sustainable”: – This will mean that parts of the resources on the Norwegian shelf will remain untouched, it is stated in the decision from LO’s highest body, Congress. The wording was adopted unanimously.
