Paramedics expect a big influx this Christmas – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– Now we expect that there will be a very large influx through Christmas. But we are well staffed and prepared for it, says Ole Norden, senior doctor at the emergency room in Moss. He says some respiratory diseases have taken a bit of a toll this autumn – also communicable diseases. But now it looks like everything is coming full circle. – We have a full incidence of covid and we are starting to see the flu. We have had a late influx of children with false croup, but now it is underway and there is a lot of social sickness. Chief physician Ole Norden and nurse Cecilie Feiner Høyland are among those manning the ambulance in Moss. Photo: Caroline Bergli Tolfsen / news With a lot of colds and viruses around, they have prepared themselves well for the Christmas holiday. – We still need the public’s help. It is particularly important that you have regular medicines in the house such as Paracetamol, a thermometer and allergy medicines if you react to the Christmas flowers. Also that you might look at the usual things a bit before you go to the doctor and ask for an assessment. Norden emphasizes that contact should be made if the symptoms worsen and become more serious. It was Moss Avis that first wrote about the case. Asking people to take care of each other The emergency room in Sarpsborg is also noticing an increase in requests from the public about respiratory symptoms. Team leader at the emergency room in Sarpsborg, Heidi Elisabeth Brodal, also encourages people to collect medicines and have what they need at home before Christmas. – The emergency room is open for everyone, but not for everything, she says in an article on Sarpsborg municipality’s website. Team leader at the emergency room in Sarpsborg, Heidi Elisabeth Brodal. Photo: Sarpsborg municipality The emergency centers are staffed by nurses around the clock. During the pandemic, there was a huge increase in the number of phones. In Sarpsborg, they see that this pressure has persisted. – The emergency room is there to provide immediate help, and we see that there are many people who make contact who could well have waited to see the GP. At the same time, it is not always easy for the patient to see, and it is good that they contact us, emphasizes Brodal. Brodal also asks people to take care of each other during the festive season. – We find that many people have a hard time during the day. There is a lot of loneliness, worry and anxiety. It is important to take care of each other. Take care, about people, see if there is something you can contribute to a neighbour, friend or acquaintance, and feel free to make an extra phone call. Encourages the use of spikes – It’s a slippery road and we get a lot of violations. Wrist fractures, arm fractures and ankle fractures. Many of them could have been avoided if you had spikes under your shoes, says Norden. He encourages people to use stingers. The superintendent encourages people to use spikes under their shoes when they are out on slippery roads. Photo: Philip Hofgaard / news – It is incredibly important to use needles for people of all ages. The Nordics say they also see a number of serious fractures that can cause lasting pain. And at the very end, the superior will encourage people to use Helsenorge and NHI – not Google and artificial intelligence. – The problem with them is that they can give hits on serious illness, even if you “google” mild and harmless symptoms. We see that many people contact us and have become scared and alarmed because they find that the symptoms may be due to a dangerous disease. Which is very rare.
