Parachutist unconscious after hard landing – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Several emergency services responded to the accident at the airport in Tønsberg. The police received a report at 5.41pm on Thursday that a skydiver had landed too hard and was unconscious. The jumper received first aid on the spot after the uncontrolled landing. – We don’t know anything about the cause of the incident yet, says operations manager Eskil Hagen Olsen in the South-East police district at 6 p.m. The emergency services responded to reports of an injured parachutist. Photo: Geir Eriksen / news 18.33, the police inform that the injured person is conscious. The person is taken to hospital by air ambulance. The police are investigating the case and have taken possession to shed light on the cause of the incident. Relatives were at the scene when the accident happened. Published 12.09.2024, at 18.03 Updated 12.09.2024, at 19.41
