Palestinians are said to have been shot in northern Gaza – Latest news – news

24 November 2023 at 12:39 Media: Palestinians are said to have been shot in northern Gaza Al Jazeera and Haaretz write on Friday that Palestinians are said to have been shot by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in northern Gaza. Haaretz refers to sources in Hamas, while Al Jazeera refers to descriptions from AP journalists in the area. According to Al Jazeera, two are said to have been killed, and at least 11 injured. The AP journalist is said to have seen the dead and injured arrive at a hospital. Haaretz writes that a spokesperson for the IDF says that they are investigating the content of the messages. It is supposed to be Palestinians trying to reach their homes in northern Gaza who have been shot. The IDF has warned against traveling north on the Gaza Strip, and emphasized that the northern areas are still a war zone, Norwegian NTB writes.
