Palestinian six-year-old stabbed to death in hate crime in the USA – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The boy and his mother were found in their home in Plainfield Township, about 65 kilometers southwest of Chicago, on Saturday morning, AP reports. The Will County Sheriff’s Office says the boy was killed with 26 stab wounds. The mother has also been stabbed several times with a knife, but according to Reuters it is expected that she will survive. She must have managed to call the emergency number 911 while she was fighting the attacker, writes AFP. The police have charged the family’s host with the murder. When the police arrived at the scene, he was sitting on the ground outside the house with a cut on his forehead. Charged with hate crime Oday Al-Fayoume, the father of murdered Wadea Al-Fayoume Photo: AP – He (the attacker ed. note.) knocked on the door and tried to strangle her while saying “you Muslims must die”. That’s according to Ahmed Rehab, the head of the Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, based on text messages sent by the wounded mother to her husband. It is a 71-year-old man who has been charged with hate crime, in addition to murder and attempted murder. “Detectives have made it clear that both victims were attacked by the accused because they were Muslim and because of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East between Hamas and the Israelis,” the sheriff’s office said in a statement. The president spoke President Joe Biden says in a statement that the boy family of Palestinian Muslims who “came to America to seek what we all seek – a place to live, learn and pray in peace”. – This cruel and hateful attack has no place in America and is contrary to our fundamental values, Biden said. Has feared hate crime The US federal police The FBI has warned that they fear hate crime in connection with the conflict in the Middle East. – There is no doubt that we are seeing an increase in reported threats. We must be vigilant, especially against individuals who are inspired by recent events to resort to violence on their own, says FBI Director Christopher Wray. An anonymous FBI source tells AP that most of the threats that have been reported to the FBI are considered not credible, but says that the FBI takes them seriously anyway.
