Paid several thousand kroner for goods that never arrived – NRK Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– I have zero trust in them, I just want to get back the money I paid, says Anne-Kate Ellingsen. In January, the 50-year-old from Rogaland ordered two sliding doors from GM Showrooms, formerly Garderobemannen. But she never got the goods that cost her close to 8,000 kroner. On Tuesday, the news came that the company has been declared bankrupt, for the second time. Anne-Kate Ellingsen’s plan was to put in place a wardrobe in the bathroom, but it is still without sliding doors. Photo: private – I think it’s a story that repeats itself. And that kind of company might not be able to operate as they do. Behind the company is the same person who went bankrupt with the former Garderobemannen, two years ago. At that time, the housing manager received a claim of up to NOK 112 million. Since then, the case has been investigated by Økokrim. – I was pissed off Several customers are now affected by the bankruptcy. Many of them have paid tens of thousands for goods that have never arrived. Anne Margrethe Hole from Jevnaker, experienced in the same way as Ellingsen to never get the goods. – There was a message that they could not deliver, then there was another message. There were delays all the time. They owed a lot to the war, says Hole. She prepaid 20,000 kroner in March for cloakrooms she has not yet seen traces of. – I was pissed off, to say the least. I’ve written so many emails about getting my money back, but I have not received it yet. I may have to consider this money lost. Anne Margrethe Hole ordered wardrobes for two bedrooms and an entrance hall and paid 20,000 kroner in advance. Photo: Private The district court put its foot down Now the successor has also been declared bankrupt. Statistics from Bisnode show that GMS has had poor creditworthiness in its two years of life. Finally, Søndre Østfold District Court put its foot down. A tax claim with default interest corresponding to more than NOK 11.2 million was the last straw. Housing manager Ole Magnus Karlsen also had the same role in the bankruptcy in 2020. He will now, among other things, review the company’s values ​​and see what can be sold. In a press release, Garderobemannen writes that the claim could have been settled in its entirety if the operating company had received a repayment scheme. However, the court held that there was a danger that there would be operations at the expense of other creditors. Thus, bankruptcy was opened. Continuing operations The company’s lawyer in the bankruptcy proceedings, Trond Karlsen does not want to comment on the ruling. In a press release, Garderobemannen says that they will work to find a solution with the bankruptcy estate, so that operations can be continued in a new company. – In that case, we will guarantee that customers who want delivery from the new company will not lose anything in the bankruptcy, it is further stated in the press release. In addition, it is stated that all employees in GM Showrooms have been offered work in the new company.
