Over 24,000 Norwegian students are lonely – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– I myself have had a tough road and felt lonely as a new and fresh student, she says. Father’s Day is underway, and Norwegian students are back for the first normal start of school since 2019. Many are looking forward to it, but not all. – Many people dread the social aspect or struggle to make friends in a completely new city with completely new people, says Johansen, who is starting his third year of study in Oslo. The numbers speak for themselves: over 24,400 students, around 41 per cent, answered in a recent student survey that they struggle with loneliness. – I get very sad, and it hurts inside when I hear this. Now I was moved, says the 30-year-old about the number 24,400. Over 60,000 students have responded to the Shot survey, which is carried out every four years. It is FHI that collects the data on behalf of several joint ventures. – Must be thoroughly discussed The entire report will be published on 8 September. But the loneliness figure is already worrying the professionals behind it. – Here, everyone has a responsibility to ensure a selection of measures so that we take care of our students – and that the students get good tools, says leader of the survey, Kari-Jussie Lønning. Head of the Shot survey, Kari-Jussie Lønning. Photo: Snorre Tønset / news She believes this is a joint responsibility to get it removed. Especially today. – These are findings that affect student life and which must be thoroughly discussed with the students, the co-operations, the universities and the government, says Lønning, who is the director of Modum bad on a daily basis. Sponsor week most critical It is especially the youngest and oldest students who answer that they struggle with having few or no friends. 44 per cent of the youngest between the ages of 18 and 20 answer that they are lonely There are more women than men who are lonely It is most in the south and east of the country who feel lonely Lønning has a message for Norwegian students who are now marking godfather week. – We cannot live with over 40 per cent of students feeling this way. We must work from all sides with measures that can contribute to the feeling of belonging and support, says leader of the survey, Kari-Jussie Lønning. The Norwegian Student Association (NSO) reacts with disappointment to the gloomy statistics, and asks everyone to take responsibility for giving students the best start. – Student volunteering and sponsor week are some of the best tools we have for students to establish friendships and belonging, says head of NSO, Maika Godal Dam to news. Director of student life in Studentsamskipaden in Oslo, Trond Morten Trondsen. He is concerned about the figure 41 percent. Photo: Studentskipnaden in Oslo – Jump into it In Oslo and several other Norwegian cities, colleges and universities are now stepping up to ensure more social activity this week. They want to “make up” for what was lost during the pandemic years. – Among students who are active in groups or the sponsor week, the figure of 41 per cent is half that. You should take part in such offers, in Oslo alone there are 450 different offers, says director of student life in the Students’ Association in Oslo, Trond Morten Trondsen. Annja Edyta Johansen is affected to hear that 24,400 students now answer that they struggle with loneliness. Photo: Eskil Wie Furunes / news Annja Edyta Johansen is the leader of a group called “Student supporter”. They invite students to various low-threshold offers precisely to prevent loneliness. Her tips are clear. – If you are a student and unsure, my advice is to just jump into it. Ask, ask and ask people around you. Don’t be afraid to join different groups, says Johansen. Are you thinking of something? Hi! Would you like to advise me on a possible case? Feel free to contact us by e-mail.
