Over 2,000 lightning strikes in 30 minutes – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

Within 30 minutes, there were more than 2,000 lightning strikes, according to observations from the Meteorological Institute. A yellow warning is out for torrential rain and lots of lightning. The warning applies to Agder, Rogaland and parts of Vestland. – We have thunderstorms that pass over the south and west of the country, and it is now in the morning when it is the worst, says state meteorologist Geir Ottar Fagerlid. Large hail balls in Sandnes. Photo: Leser According to the meteorologist, there will be a risk of lightning and thunder until this morning. – Until now, we have come up with over 2,000 lightning registrations in South-West Norway, he says. 30 to 40 percent of these are usually lightning strikes. Several have reported hail as big as bullets despite 15 degrees in the area. – If there is a very unstable atmosphere, hail of that size can form, says Fagerlid. The thunderstorm has led to several delays in helicopter traffic to the North Sea. The trains are on the Jærbanen. Photo: Odin Omland / news There are also major delays in train traffic. There are problems with the signaling system on the section between Stavanger and Skeiane. In addition, there are problems at Klepp station. – This means that the trains have to run at a reduced speed. This will lead to significant delays, says Go Ahead press officer Ole Andreas Skårland. – It is common for this to be a challenge when there is such a violent thunderstorm, he adds. More than 2,000 lightning strikes have been recorded in the morning hours in Rogaland. Photo: Meteorological Institute Should consider other means of travel – It is probably a lightning strike, or perhaps even several strikes that have affected our signaling and security system, says press officer at Bane Nor, Olav Nordli. According to Nordli, there are particular problems on the Bryne-Klepp section on Jærbanen, but also inside Stavanger station. – It is not normal for this to happen during a lightning strike, but it can happen, says Nordli. They have no forecast on how long it will take to fix the error. – We have mobilized professionals who are working on the case. In short, there are very large delays, says Nordli. – So people should consider alternative transport to get to work and the dentist? – There are trains, but if you have an alternative, you should consider it, he says.
