Over 100 years old tourist gem can be seen again now that Nesjøen in Tydal has been emptied – news Trøndelag

– I was three years old when my father took me here the first time. Back then we lived a lot up by the Essandemningen, so we often took the trip down here to fish, says Morten Jensvold. He looks out over the landscape in Nedalen in the mountain area of ​​Sylan. The large, dammed Nesjøen is usually located here. But because the Nesjødam had to be rehabilitated, this year the lake has been completely drained for the first time since the beginning of the 1970s. For a short period, people can again see the contours of the landscape as it once was, and not least: What remains of Nedalen farm and the old Nedalshytta. See the dry Nesjøen from the air. Video: Jørgen Leangen / news Aerial photo – Only the skeleton left Jensvold himself spent the night in the old tourist association cabin, where the foundation walls are still standing. He points and shows where the living room with fireplace and the bedrooms were. – It was a fantastically nice cabin, located in thickly grown birch forest. It was demolished just before the water came. Great natural values, the tourist cabin and Nedalen farm were lost when the Nedalsmyrene were dammed, in order to get more power production. With the water gone, this summer we now see a vast, brown landscape with old river courses and small lakes. Morten Jensvold visited the old cabin and the mountain area from the age of three. Back at the site, old memories are brought back to life. Photo: Jørgen Leangen / news – I recognize the river and my fishing spots, but the forest and everything that was nature is gone, says Jensvold. – What I use to say to my children: It’s like digging up grandma in the cemetery and thinking you’re going to meet her again. Here it’s just the skeleton. What was life is gone. The sight of the old ruins also gives him a sense of longing and sadness. – I know there are many of us who miss the old cabin. Nedalen farm was a mountain farm. Trondhjem’s Tourist Association had an accommodation agreement on the farm from 1889. Fjellgården Nedalen farm (the foundation walls closest to the picture) and the old Nedalshytta were both lost when the river Nea and the Nedalsmyrene were dammed. The foundations of the old Nedalshytta, which was a tourist association cabin until 1971. Since then, the remains of the cabin was under water in the dammed Nesjøen. Into this entrance to the old Nedalshytta went many people who were going to walk in the mountain area of ​​Sylan. Hikers on their way beyond the barren landscape towards the ruins of the old Nedalshytta. Many spectators have made the trip up to the area this summer. Elva Nea’s old river bed has again come to light in the washed out landscape, which has been under water for half a century. Photo: Amund Aune Nilsen / news Old scrap and rapids that used to be buried near the farm and old Nedalshytta have become visible. According to the head of Trondhjem’s Tourist Association, Frode Støre Bergrem (pictured), a clean-up will be organized this summer. The landscape where Nesjøen is usually located, seen from the area by the new Nedalshytta. This is how the landscape usually looks from the new Nedalshytta, which was built higher in the terrain as a result of the dam. The tourist association hut was completed in 1972. This coffee cup was found in the mud at the old Nedalshytta, and has now been taken to the new Nedalshytta. Long history Atle Aas works in the host at the new Nedalshytta, which was built further up the terrain in the same area. He says that the ruins that have now come to light again show the early beginnings of the tourist association’s activity in Sylan. – In the beginning, two rooms were rented on the farm, which was also here, before the first Nedalshytta was set up. Eventually, the farm people were disturbed by more and more people coming, so a new cabin had to be set up further away from the farm, says Aas. Although only the foundation walls remain, Morten Jensvold still manages to find the contours of what once was. – They had an old ferry berth here. There they had a boat that they dragged themselves across when they came from Tydal and were going into the cabin. Nesjøen An artificial lake in Sylan aust in Tydal municipality, Trøndelag. Lie approx. 15 km west of the border with Sweden. Formed by damming the river Nea at Nedalsmyrene. The total sea surface is 66 square kilometers and the reservoir content 582 million cubic metres. Completed in 1971 The lake has a 1 kilometer long and 40 meter high fill dam. Rehabilitation work on the dam started in 2021 and will continue until 2025. Sjølve Nesjøen itself has been completely drained. Nesjødammen consists of Nesjøen and Essandsjøen. Below is the magazine Vessingsjøen. All three are important fishing waters that will be affected by the construction work. Source: SNL/Norconsult This is what the old Nedalshytta looked like before the area it was located in was submerged. Photo: Trondhjems Tourist Association Nedalen was also the first area in Norway to be protected as a natural area. It already happened in 1917. In the papers from the Storting, it is stated that the area was so rich in bird and plant life, that it was to remain unchanged in the nation’s possession forever. – This was 50 years before we started with national parks in Norway. So they were very early. It also says something about the quality – that such a large area was protected so early, says Jensvold. Nevertheless, there was power development and damming in the area. Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl is one of many who have made the trip to see the ruins and the landscape that has now emerged. Photo: Jørgen Leangen / news Popular attraction Many hundreds have made the trip to Nedalen this summer to take in this very special attraction, estimates Trondhjem’s Tourist Association (TT). – There are people of all ages and from many parts of the country, says general manager Frode Støre Bergrem in TT. Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl is one of those who have made the trip to Nedalen to get the special view. – It’s a bit of mixed feelings to stand here and know that here stood a tourist cabin and a farm, and the people who had to leave. But at the same time, it is also a very nice mountain area to visit. Later this summer, the filling of the regulation reservoir will start, and the area will gradually come under water again. Atle Aas from the host at Nedalshytta recommends everyone who wants to experience the special attraction to take the trip. Such major rehabilitation works of dam facilities do not happen often. – It could be 50 years before this appears again. Then it might look completely different. Atle Aas is the host at Nedalshytta and encourages people to see the area and the remains of the old before it is too late. Photo: Jørgen Leangen / news
