– Our proposal allows car dealers to settle in 2022 – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– Our proposal will mean that a share of the framework for 2023 will be given to the teachers, and for 2022 it will actually be a slightly cheaper settlement, says the leader of the Education Association, Steffen Handal, to news. Read the proposal: The Education Association’s outline for a solution The proposal that he is now publishing through news was presented to KS last week. It was a response to KS’s proposal the day before. Both proposals have in common that they have been rejected by the other party. Something that keeps the teachers’ strike going. Prioritizing the teachers in 2023 The Education Association’s proposal is in practice about prioritizing the teachers in 2023. This is the core: They will accept the overall salary framework for the settlement. Supplement for the highly educated and those with the longest seniority from 1 June this year, not from 1 May as other groups in the municipal settlement have received. That saves the municipalities a bit, argues the association. And: They want a “school supplement” for all teachers from 1 May next year of NOK 10,300. It is at the last point that it gets complicated. The cost of the so-called school supplement is estimated by both parties to be around 500 million next year, while the full-year effect later will be 740 million. The proposal means that part of the funds that will be negotiated next year would then be allocated to the teachers. But that means that the total cost for the municipalities will not increase. – This supplement is intended to compensate for some of what we have not received previously. We have had a worse salary development than others, this is meant to correct a little of that. – Are you then not eating from the pot that has been set aside for other groups in the professional community of which you are a part? – Yes, we do. And it is important to note that in Unio we agreed to promote a school supplement. In addition, money for 2023 has already been allocated to other groups in the agreement that has been concluded, says Handal and points to the addition for inconvenient working hours on evenings and weekends which will apply from 2023. These additions typically affect people who work in the healthcare system. Breach of principle KS confirms to news that the outline that the Education Association presents through news is the one they have been presented to. And they say it is the proposal for a school supplement that is complicated. – It is very difficult for KS to start the negotiations for 2023 now with only three out of 40 organisations. Neither nurses, cleaners or janitors are likely to accept that, says Tor Arne Gangsø, who leads the negotiations for KS. – So it is a principle? – We have always been concerned that everyone should be included in a collective agreement. I can never imagine that we would get through this. PRINCIPLE: Tor Arne Gangsø in KS does not buy the Education Association’s outline. Photo: Håvard Grønli / news KS is also afraid that the real cost of the Norwegian Confederation of Education’s proposal for school supplements will be much higher. – In the collective agreement we have with the 37 other organisations, they have a right to renegotiate. If we give something like this to the three who are on strike, we will trigger this right to restart the wage negotiations in the municipal sector. In the worst case, it will be several billions for the municipal economy. Gangsø also believes that the proposal violates the principle of equal guaranteed pay for equal education. Accepting the framework, Handal in the Education Association believes that their proposal shows that the distance is too small for the conflict to continue. He believes that KS should now be concerned with the teachers’ acceptance of the overall framework. – Our proposal is within the framework of the frontline subject and within the framework of the municipal settlement also in 2023. But the other party believes that the new principles in the teachers’ offer stand in the way. – But haven’t you actually won when the largest teachers’ organization says that they accept the overall salary framework in the municipal settlement? – It’s really nice if that’s the case, says Gangsø, but adds: – The point is that this settlement is about two years. We are busy solving the current year without destroying the negotiation climate next year.
