Oslove can become the Sami name for Oslo – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– Adopting a Sami name for Oslo is about highlighting that we are the capital of a country where the Sami are an indigenous population, and we are proud of our indigenous population. Culture councilor Omar Samy Gamal said that when the name was announced earlier today. Oslove is the South Sami word for Oslo. The word is pronounced in the same way as it is written, with wording like “Christmas tree”. The name has been prepared in collaboration with several Sami organizations and is the final proposal. – We know that the Norwegianization policy has had enormous consequences for the Sami population in Norway, and that also applies here in the city. We are proud of the diversity in Oslo and to be able to announce our proposal for a Sami name in Oslo, says Gamal. – It has been important for the city council to listen to the Sami population here in the city, says culture councilor Omar Samy Gamal about the process towards adopting a Sami name for Oslo. Photo: Hallgeir Braastad / news – Very important for the Sami – This has been a long process and there have been discussions about a Sami name for Oslo for several years. We are very pleased that the municipality agrees with us that this should be the name of Oslo formally, says Mikkel Berg-Nordlie in the Sami parent network in Oslo and the surrounding area. In addition, it is proposed that “Oslo municipality” should be translated into Northern Sami, Lule Sami and Southern Sami. Tor Gunnar Nystad in the Oslo Sami Association is satisfied with the cooperation between the Sami organizations and the municipality. – The municipality has accepted the input that we have come up with, and it is an acknowledgment that we make the Sami language visible and that the Sami are part of Norway. It is very important for the Sami, he says. The name proposal will now go out for consultation and then it will go up to the city council for a decision. The South Sami name Oslove may become the formal Sami name for Oslo. Photo: Olav Juven
