Oslo’s city council leader reacts to news’s ​​revelations in elderly care in Oslo – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Elderly care in Oslo has received strong criticism following news Brennpunkt’s revelations about 90-year-old Lilly Andreassen at Furuset, who was neither receiving adequate food nor medication, despite supervision by the home care service. In news’s ​​Politisk kvarter, the city council leader responded to the criticism that followed: – It is heartbreaking to see the care a number of elderly people have been exposed to, and also those we saw on news with Lilly. It is clear that we should not have it that way. When Raymond Johansen and the Labor Party went to the polls in Oslo, they wanted to raise property tax to improve care for the elderly. Seven years later, he points out that 500 more work in the care sector. But he acknowledges that care for the elderly still has major challenges. – There are approximately 11,000 jobs in the care services. Whether there are enough is an open question. We still need to motivate more people to choose the care sector. The opposition is considering a motion of no confidence Yesterday the Conservative, Liberal and People’s Party in Oslo announced a motion of no confidence against city councilor Robert Steen. – We have to assess whether Robert Steen is suitable to take care of care for the elderly in Oslo, Oslo Conservative Party member Eirik Lae Solberg told news. Solberg is the Høyre’s city council leader candidate in the capital. news and other media have also reported in several cases about what patients and relatives believe is gross neglect at Ullern health center in Oslo. Former first public prosecutor Lasse Qvigstad was one of those who spoke about his experiences before Christmas last year. Boasting of the health council Høre, Venstre and the People’s Party in Oslo will await a hearing on elderly care in the capital before they decide whether they want to send a motion of no confidence against councilor Robert Steen. Raymond Johansen reacts to this: – I think it is funny that they warn before a hearing is to be held what is the basis for any distrust. Robert Steen has been fantastic in this, not least through the pandemic, where Oslo came out well. So that doesn’t mean we don’t have challenges. We didn’t exactly take over care for the elderly it seemed, says Raymond Johansen to news.
