Oslo municipality will report motorists who constantly park incorrectly to the police – Greater Oslo

The Minister of Transport has so far been lukewarm about tougher sanctions. But the municipality is not giving up. – We are now considering the possibility of being able to report the situation to the police, says divisional director Rune Gjøs at the Urban Environment Agency. Then the worst will be able to get a punitive reaction and be imposed fines that sting. Today, the fee for wrong parking is less than a thousand Swedish kroner. THERESES GATE: 46,000 passengers blocked the road because wrongly parked cars stood in the way in Oslo in January, according to Sporveien. Photo: Geir Bjarte Hjetland / news – Standing above all others In February, it emerged that every third motorist fined receives more than one parking ticket. More than a thousand Oslo motorists receive a double-digit number of parking fines each year. A handful get over fifty. news’s ​​revelation of the regulars caused consternation. – This is the gang from Exit, raged SV’s city council politician Ola Wolff Elvevold. Environment and Transport Council Marit Kristine Vea (V) called the figures sensational. – They show that a small group of motorists puts themselves above absolutely everyone else in the capital, said Vea. Blocks for the tram The numbers came after weeks of snow chaos. It not only hit the bus, but also the tram. BOGSTADVEIEN: One of 190 cases where a wrongly parked car blocked the tram in Oslo in January alone. Photo: Privat In January alone, the tram was blocked by wrongly parked cars 190 times. The parking fee to block the tram, hit passengers and create traffic jams? NOK 900. “Normal” wrong parking that does not obstruct other traffic costs NOK 660. If, on the other hand, you sneak onto the tram, you have to fork out NOK 1,200. Hearing about the chaos At Wednesday’s hearing about the winter’s collective chaos, SV’s Sulaksana Sivapatham wanted to know what Oslo municipality is doing to overcome the problem. The Norwegian Environment Agency could confirm that they are looking at what is needed to be able to punish the worst offenders more severely. – We are taking a closer look at what legal leeway the municipality has. We think they will be able to have a deterrent effect on these regulars that you mention, said Rune Gjøs. Division director in the Urban Environment Agency in Oslo municipality, Rune Gjøs. Photo: Christopher Isachsen Sandøy / news Sivapatham is happy with the answer. – There are obviously many motorists here in the city who are rich enough not to care about a fine of a few hundred Swedish kroner. – These people destroy the tram, pedestrians, emergency services, plow crews and the entire community in our city, she says to news. Sulaksana Sivapatham is environmental and transport policy spokesperson for SV in Oslo City Council. Photo: Sturlason/Oslo municipality – Many reasons for incorrect parking At the Storting, SV raised the issue with Transport Minister Jon-Ivar Nygård (Ap) on the eve of the chaotic snowy winter. He then said no to tougher sanctions against repeat offenders. – There can be many reasons why the same person violates the parking rules several times, without repetition in itself causing the violation to be more serious, wrote Nygård in his reply to SV’s justice politician Andreas Sjalg Unneland. Andreas Sjalg Unneland sits in the Storting from Oslo and is SV’s justice policy spokesperson. Photo: William Jobling / news Unneland still sees an opening. – Disappointingly, the Minister of Transport turned the thumbs down last time. But he allowed the police to prosecute particularly serious traffic obstructions. – I believe repeated incorrect parking must be covered by this exception, says Andreas Sjalg Unneland to news today. Published 13.09.2024, at 11.22 Updated 13.09.2024, at 13.28
