Ormåsen school with extra guard after wolf sighting – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

Ormåsen school is located right at the edge of the forest, and usually all the children have outside school during the week. On Tuesday morning, the parents received a message from the principal that all teaching will be moved onto the school grounds for the rest of the week. It was Drammens Tidende that first mentioned the case. Subject leader Wenche Karlsen Wiker at Ormåsen School says they are putting measures in place to create security. Photo: Maria Kommandantvold / news Subject leader Wenche Karlsen Wiker at Ormåsen School says that they have now tightened the security in the school yard. – We have put some extra teachers on inspection during recess to create extra security. The children are not afraid, she says. Nor has the school received many messages of concern from parents. Possible observation A resident in the area posted the following message on Facebook on Monday: “Watch out now! I think I would follow the children to school in the next few days too.” By Tuesday morning, the post had been shared over 200 times. The man wants to remain anonymous because he has received a lot of harassment after he posted the post, but he does not want to delete it. – If anyone else had seen a wolf, I would appreciate it if they spoke up, he says to news. He says that it was an experienced hunter who saw what was perceived as a wolf. – That’s why I thought it was okay to speak up. Can’t rule out wolves Espen Marker in the State Nature Inspectorate can’t confirm the wolf sighting. Photo: Nils Fridtjof Skumsvoll / news The Norwegian Nature Inspectorate has had people in the area to try to find out if there are wolves there or not. Espen Marker, who is an adviser in the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate, says that some indistinct traces have been found. – It could certainly be a stray animal, but I’m not sure if this is really a wolf. To news, Marker says that there have been no more reports of wolves in the area now. – There tend to be more, he says. Subject leader Wenche Karlsen Wiker at Ormåsen School says they will continue with extra security at the school in the coming days.
