Ordered luxury bags from Bergen – got old clothes in the mail – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

A woman in her 40s in Sunnmøre got her jaw dropped when she opened the package that came in the mail in spring 2020. A few days before, she had found a Finn ad with an exclusive Louis Vuitton bag for sale. For NOK 13,000, the dream would come true. But there was a toll at the post office. Instead of a brown leather bag with the exclusive logo, there was only washed-out denim trousers and a tired sweater in the package. – It’s shameful, I don’t understand that they have a conscience about it, says the woman. She wishes to remain anonymous, like the other women news has spoken to. news knows the identity of the co-doctor. The Sunnmørs woman became angry when she discovered what came in the mail. Photo: Screenshot 14 women and one man on the glue stick Sunnmørs woman is in good company. A mother of young children in her 20s in Bergen has now been charged with defrauding and attempting to defraud 14 women and one man from various parts of the country for a total of almost NOK 165,000. The Bergen woman must have achieved this with the help of a slightly older man. The procedure must have been the same for everyone: The exclusive bag, which costs around NOK 27,000 in the store, must have been put up for sale for around half that. But instead of giving up her purse, the woman is said to have packed up old clothes and sent them around the country. She then allegedly blocked the frustrated buyers from further contact. It was Sunnmørsposten that first mentioned the indictment. This bag costs around NOK 27,000 in the store no. The Hordaland woman is said to have asked for about half. Photo: private – Knows shame According to the indictment, several women must have paid between NOK 10,000 and 20,000 to get hold of the coveted luxury bag. A woman in her 50s from Oslo says she has lost NOK 13,000 trying to help her daughter fulfill her dream of a Louis Vuitton bag. She will testify in the trial in Hordaland district court at the beginning of October. – I feel ashamed that I let myself be deceived. Through the process and the dialogue, there were actually quite a few bells that I should have listened to much more clearly, she says. The woman says she reacted to the fact that the seller should have stated that she lived in Nordland, even though she had an address in Bergen. When the package finally arrived, it turned out to contain a blue hoodie. Then the Oslo woman became both angry and ashamed. The Consumer Council: – Ask for a receipt Consumer lawyer Nora E. Wennberg Gløersen at the Consumer Council says that they constantly receive cases from people who report that they have been cheated on platforms such as Finn, Facebook and Tise. – The scam typically means that consumers who buy relatively expensive things never receive what they have bought, or that they are sent something completely different, such as packs of butter or weights, she says. The Consumer Council has a number of good tips for those who want to shop online: Ask for a picture of the item in question if the seller only uses pictures from the Internet If the price is too low, it may be too good to be true Ask for a receipt or other documentation that proves that the item is genuine and where it was purchased Check whether the seller has had a profile on the platform over time and has received reviews from previous purchases and sales Report any fraud to the police as soon as possible Contact the customer center at Finn, Facebook, Tise to have the incident logged and possibly banned the user Lawyer Nora Wennberg Gløersen in the Consumer Council encourages people to ask for a receipt for goods that are sold online. Photo: The Norwegian Consumer Council Suspects Mischief A Sunnmørs woman who received a washed-out pair of jeans in the post suspected owls in the bog. When the package arrived, she opened it at the post office before she had paid. Thus, she could reveal that she had not become the owner of a Louis Vuitton bag. In that way, he probably saved himself NOK 13,000. – I felt I was lucky to reveal it in advance, so that I was not deceived, she says. The child’s mother in Bergen does not wish to comment on the indictment. The lawyer for the co-accused also does not wish to comment. The case will go before the Hordaland district court at the beginning of October.
