Opens to wreck 1500 meters in the WC – announces increased investment in other distances

– I have opened up more for it lately, after the Olympics really. I said I should have the main focus on 1500 until the Olympics in Tokyo, and that I should open up to gradually focus more for 5000 meters, says Filip Ingebrigtsen to news. Now he has one last chance to take the World Cup requirement of 5000 meters – during Thursday’s Bislett Games. Filip Ingebrigtsen would very much like to run “Drømmemila” (1609 meters) during the Diamond League competition in Oslo, but wants the opportunity to be able to choose which exercise he runs in Eugene in July. Possibly both. – I have not completely decided which ones I go for, but I want the opportunity. Then the last opportunity is to take that demand on my part, says Filip Ingebrigtsen to news. Athletics on news This you can see of athletics on news in 2022: June 16: Diamond League in Oslo June 18: Diamond League in Paris 24-26. June: NM in Stjørdal June 30: Diamond League in Stockholm 15-24. July: Eugene World Cup August 6: Diamond League in Chórzow August 10: Diamond League in Monaco 15-21. August: European Championships in Munich August 26: Diamond League in Lausanne September 2: Diamond League in Brussels 7-8. September: Diamond League final in Zurich October 9: NM cross-country, long course in Bergen He is the only one of the running brothers Ingebrigtsen who has won a World Cup medal outdoors. Henrik has gold, two silver and bronze from the European Championships. Jakob has Olympic gold and two European Championship golds. Filip has World Cup bronze and European Championship gold – both on the favorite distance 1500 meters. WC SUCCESS: Filip Ingebrigtsen won a bronze medal in the 1500 meters in London in 2017. Photo: MATTHEW CHILDS / Reuters – I feel they go a little hand in hand, that I have to be at a good level at 1500 to perform as I want at 5000, but that I might want to prioritize 5,000 in the next few years. So maybe that’s the start of it now, says Ingebrigtsen. Will make the choice himself To qualify for the World Cup, he must run under 13.13.50 minutes at Bislett. His personal record is 13.11,75 and was set in Rome almost three years ago. Filip Ingebrigtsen has not run a 5000 meters since 2019 and only one participation in international championships. Now he warns that the competitions may come more frequently. BISLETT READY: Filip (fv) Jakob and Henrik Ingebrigtsen posed for a strawberry party at the town hall in Oslo before the Diamond League meeting at Bislett. Jakob will run Drømmemila. Filip and Henrik run 5000 meters. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB – It’s probably a bit because I have a curiosity to see how fast I can run at 5000. – I do not feel I stand back at 1500 meters, but that I want to see what I can do on 5000 before I get any defects or are worse physically than I am now. I think I can do quite well at 5000 and, and then I have to make that choice at some point, says Ingebrigtsen. Bislett Games 2022 National exercises: 17.25 400 meters hurdles 17.38 4×100 meters men 17.50 4×100 meters women 18.00 1500 meters men 18.10 1500 meters women 18.45 200 meters men 18.56 200 meters women 19.06 100 meters men 19.16 100 meters women 19.26 100 meters men International exercises: 18.51 Sledge men 19.53 Race to Zero 100 meters para men Diamond League: 17.31 Cool women 18.45 Stick 20.04 400 meters hurdles women 20.14 500 meters men 20.15 Length men 20.19 5000 meters women 20.39 100 meters men 20.44 200 meters women 20.48 Diskos women 20.49 5000 meters men 21.13 110 meters hurdles 21.25 800 meters women 21.38 400 meters hurdles men 21.50 Drømmemila men 22.07 4×400 meters women He is not the favorite in the 5000 meters during Thursday’s competition, but he is in good Norwegian company. Big brother Henrik runs for the EC requirement of 13.24.00, while Narve Gilje Nordås also chases the WC requirement. Magnus Tuv Myhre is also in the starting field. Not necessarily better chances news expert Vebjørn Rodal thinks it might be a sensible idea to search upwards in distance after he has jumped a little at 1500 meters in terms of results. But at the same time he feels there is still something to be gained from the favorite distance. – He has a bronze medal at the World Championships and a fantastic personal record (3.30.01), but I do not think he has yet reached his potential at 1500 meters, says Rodal. OLYMPIC WINNER: news expert Vebjørn Rodal won Olympic gold in the 800 meters in 1996. He also boasts World Cup bronze from 1905 and European Championship silver from 1994. Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB At the same time, he is not very surprised. that he says that he wants to change focus: – He has probably run a lot of interval sessions on a 400-meter track at 5000-meter pace. I think he feels it is a speed that suits the step and his body. – Does he have better opportunities to assert himself in a 5000 meters? – No, not necessarily better. But when you get to 5000 meters from a 1500 meter, then you can have a certain prerequisite to decide regular duels, says Rodal, who at the same time adds that it will not be a “walk in the park” to fight for the medals in 5000 meters . Bislett Games is broadcast on news 1 from 18.00 to 19.00 and 20.00 to 22.20. Between 19.00 and 20.00 the broadcast is shown on news 2.
