Opens supervision after deaths in Kragerø – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

That’s what VG writes. Five days before they were found, paramedics had visited the women. Head of department Linda Endrestad at the Statsforvalteren tells VG that they will take a closer look at the follow-up from Kragerø municipality and Telemark HF Hospital. Got a report of concern It was on 26 December that the two women in their 20s and 60s were found dead in their apartment in Kragerø. The emergency services rushed to the home after receiving a report of concern from a person who had not been able to make contact with the one woman. Ambulance personnel are said to have visited the women five days earlier, but left again without taking them with them. County doctor Sigmund Skei says they have opened an inspection and will assess whether there has been a breach of health legislation after two women died in Kragerø. Photo: Theodor Aasland Valen / news Head of the ambulance service in Telemark, Knut Inge Skoland told news in January that the ambulance made a thorough assessment. He also said that there were no vital parameters that indicated that it should have been taken directly to hospital. At the same time, he pointed out that a lot may have happened after the ambulance was there. The autopsy report showed that the women died as a result of pneumonia, said section leader Liv Berit Nesland at Kragerø police station to Kragerø Blad Vestmar. The police have stated that they rule out that anything criminal has happened. Will learn from any mistakes County doctor Sigmund Skei at the State Administrator in Vestfold and Telemark tells news they decided to open supervision last week. – It is a bit special that two people in the same family die within a short time, albeit of medical reasons. Therefore, we think it is right to take a closer look at whether the health service should do more, says Skei. He says the purpose is not to catch anyone, but possibly to learn from mistakes. – It can be a completely natural explanation that two people die of pneumonia. At the same time, we should take a closer look at whether there has been any failure here. We cannot say anything more about it, other than that, until we have received all the information. Will look at what the health service has done The state administrator has received a report from Telemark Hospital and has asked for a report from Kragerø municipality. – We look more closely at the report from Telemark Hospital and assess whether there has been a breach of duty there. We have requested a similar statement from Kragerø municipality. Once we have received it, we will evaluate it against the same, says Skei. Now the State Administrator wants to know how Kragerø municipality has followed up the family. He says Kragerø municipality has been given a deadline to respond in mid-June. The State Administrator must then assess how Telemark Hospital and Kragerø municipality have acted. – I doubt that we can come to a final conclusion until after the summer, says Skei. Will not comment According to Skei, Sykehuset Telemark reported the case to the National Health Inspectorate because healthcare organizations have a duty to report serious incidents. The State Administrator has then received the case for assessment. Telemark Hospital has no comment on the fact that the State Administrator has opened an inspection. – We will not make a statement until the State Administrator has concluded the case, says director of communications Geir Jørgen Bekkevold at Telemark Hospital. Must respond to the State Administrator Municipal director Dag Willien Eriksen in Kragerø municipality says they have not received any inquiry about supervision from the State Administrator, as far as he knows. When they receive it, the municipality must respond within the deadline. – To the extent that Kragerø municipality can contribute to finding good answers, which enable us to learn from what has happened, then I am happy that an inspection is being initiated, says Eriksen.
