Opens for E6 through the Lågendelta with more mitigating measures – Latest news – news

10 February 2023 at 08:45 Opening for the E6 through the Lågendelta with more mitigating measures The government writes in a press release that they are opening to build a new E6. It will possibly be built on the section Roterud – Storhove near Lillehammer. – Under the assumption that further environmental improvement measures are carried out beyond those resulting from the State Administrator’s decision, the government writes in the press release. The Lågen delta nature reserve is an important part of a network of protected wetlands all the way from Oslo Fjord and Øyeren, along Mjøsa and further up Lågen. The area is of national and international importance for particularly migratory waterfowl and snow-covered nature types. – There must be a very high threshold for allowing interventions in protected areas, says Climate and Environment Minister Espen Barth Eide. With the government’s decision, the Lillehammer community will get a better solution for local and heavy traffic, he says.
