Opening ceremony Bodø2024 – watch live – news Nordland

Queen Sonja is in place in Bodø for the opening of Bodø as European Capital of Culture. She has already made the trip to the film screening in the world’s largest lavvo. The Árran360˚ project, the world’s largest lavvo with the film screen along the entire inner wall, is one of several cultural features on the first day of Bodø’s cultural year. – I am very happy to be here. Not least I am excited for the evening, says Queen Sonja when she meets the media. Queen Sonja says that she has learned that the extreme weather “Ingunn” which has stuck sticks in the wheels on large parts of the coast. – We see that the weather today is also quite capricious. You are used to this, and I understand that you coped well. Although Ingunn has gone over houses and homes and roads. The queen says she is also excited about what happens in Bodø for the rest of the year. Queen Sonja will open Bodø 2024, and is excited about what she will see on Saturday night. – and then I’ll be back in June, she says. Photo: Jan Langhaug / NTB – I hope the cultural city year will bring the city and the region into the light, as it deserves. What I have seen so far is impressive and great. There is a lot of culture in Nordland, and now it is finally being shown both nationally and internationally. I think this part of the country deserves that. news streams Queen Sonja’s speech to Bodø2024 live from 16.15. You can also watch the party opening in Bodø on NRK1 at 9.50pm. The stage survived two hurricanes Despite a terrific storm in the last week, Bodø2024 has taken the stage out to sea. Not only that, it has been loaded and burst through two hurricanes. The ceremony was in danger of being cancelled. Another storm is hammering in along the Norwegian coast on Friday. But according to the meteorologist, the Bodø weathermen may have been lucky with the timing. – The weather outlook for Bodø on Saturday evening is a little uncertain, but there is likely to be a period in the late afternoon/early evening where it will be quite calm, says on-duty meteorologist Martin Granerød. In other words, exactly when the opening ceremony will take place. – Then the wind picks up in the evening when it turns to the north-west, he concludes. The stage was set in January. Photo: David Engmo / Bodø2024 Proud mayor – A proud moment. We have been working on this for several years, said Bodø mayor Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen at a press conference in the town hall on Saturday morning. He hopes that the cultural city year will make people in Bodø more proud of their city. And that perhaps some of those who visit the city this year will want to move here. – We have many opportunities here in the north, and now we have the chance to make the world aware of it, he says to news. Queen Sonja receives a Sami butter cup as a gift during the opening of Bodø 2024. Photo: Andreas Nilsen Trygstad / news 1,000 cultural events The queen has royal patronage for the cultural project Bodø 2024. Throughout the year, over 1,000 cultural events will be held in the northern Norwegian city, which is located a whopping 67 degrees north. That Bodø is European Capital of Culture is also the first time ever that an Arctic city has been awarded the title. The cultural project is the largest in Northern Norway ever, and the largest in Norway in over ten years. Director of the project, André Wallann Larsen, says the ceremony has been composed to be remembered for decades to come. Two hurricanes in one week – It will be the biggest show Northern Norway has ever seen, says director of Bodø2024, André Wallann Larsen. Queen Sonja is welcomed to the 360-degree film screening by head of the Sami Film Institute Anne Lajla Utsi and project manager of Árran 360 Maria Utsi. Photo: Jan Langhaug / NTB A relatively decent weather forecast for Saturday evening makes him breathe a sigh of relief. – The run-in was very different. We had two hurricanes during the week. luckily we have amazing people working on the big production out there so it looks like it’s going to go well. The fish’s earstone The scene, which floats in the harbor basin in Bodø, is inspired by the otolith. What is it? The fish’s ear stone, which acts as an organ of balance. In addition, these are important for determining, among other things, the age of the fish. Hans-Petter Bjørnedål, who created the scene, has emphasized precisely this symbolism. Through the years, this symbolism will appear in the scene. The day before, the stage was set outside in the harbor basin in Bodø. Photo: Ola Helness / news Who and what are we? Who and what do we want to be? And what memories will we create in the next year? – With the ceremony, the engraving of a new annual ring begins. An annual ring that symbolizes the circle of the year, Bodø2024 writes about the scene. The story of Nordland and the Nordlanders The show itself contains orchestral music, theatre, joik, dance, song and fireworks. Through musicians and artists on stage, the aim is to together make up the story of Nordland and the people of Nordland. Actors Reidar Sørensen and Hannah Schulte Strid are responsible for the theatricality during the ceremony. – This is fun. I’ve never done anything like this before. Not at sea – in winter, he tells Bodø2024. Reidar Sørensen and Hannah Schulte Strid play together at sea. Photo: David Engmo / Bodø2024 He continues: – It really depends on the outdoors, the geography and not least the scenography. The manuscript provides both hope for the future and history. Performing it in front of a lot of people will be a joy, he says. Ella Marie, known from the band ISÁK, will also enter the stage. This year she makes her debut as a solo artist, and will perform an upcoming song from the album. What happens next? The day itself has been characterized by lots of different art and culture. Everything from Sami short film programs to pub culture. This is what it looks like at the stage where the opening show for Bodø2024 will take place. Photo: Thomas Fredrik Kristensen / news But this will last a whole year. What happens now? You can read Bodø2024’s program here. They themselves say that in the days and months after today’s party it will continue in full swing. Among other things: In March, a variant of the Marcialonga ski race will be organized in Bodø. Pål Moddi Knutsen will present the project “The New North” later this year. Håkon Skog Erlandsen takes his saxophone underwater to Pluragrotta on Helgeland. A concert will therefore be held there that is completely out of the ordinary. – The program is specially designed to take you on a journey in Nordland. A journey inside and outside. High and low. It must be heard, seen and felt. Take it in. Experience Nordland, writes Bodø2024.
