One person seriously injured after a traffic accident on the E39 in Heim – news Trøndelag

A car has collided head-on with a lorry in an 80-zone on the E39 Hemnkjølen/Søvatnet in Heim. A total of four vehicles are involved in two accidents at the site. – One person is badly injured, operations manager Håvard Høyem tells news. The driver of the car, a man in his 20s, has been sent to St. Olav’s hospital in Trondheim by air ambulance. The police were notified of the accident at 4.30pm. The accident happened on the E39 Hemnkjølen/Søvatnet in Heim. Two separate accidents Two more cars are involved in an accident near the collision. A car has been hit from behind. – This may indicate that accident number two has occurred as a result of braking to avoid getting into accident one, says Høyem. The people in this accident should have minor to moderate injuries, the police say. An elderly lady has been taken to the emergency department in Orkanger for a check-up. She was in the car that was hit. The National Road Administration’s accident team arrived at the scene shortly after 8:00 p.m. Crime technicians from the police are also expected at the scene. LONG QUEUE: E39 Heim between Vinjeøra and Høkgjølen is closed. The police believe it will take a long time before it opens again. There are no detours at the site. Photo: John J. Storholt / news The road is closed E39 is closed between Vinjeøra and Høkgjølen, and will probably remain closed for several hours. – When the police arrived at the scene it was very smooth, says task leader Håkon Flor. The road must be thoroughly strewn by 8 p.m. Detour for passenger cars is Fv. 714 via Våvatnet and further 301 to Kyrksæterøra via Ytre Snillfjord. Trucks and heavy transport can drive Fv. 65 about Surnadal. – The recommended detour for all vehicles is the F65 via Surnadal, writes Vegtrafikksentralen in the middle of Twitter.
