– One must dare to mean something to others – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– It’s almost tempting to say happy birthday! That’s what Else Kåss Furuseth says on World Mental Health Day. This year’s campaign encourages you to set aside eight minutes and call someone you care about. According to Statistics Norway, every third person under the age of 44 experiences little meaning in life. Short phone calls can make a difference, research shows. – It is simpler than you think and means more than you know, they say. At the bottom of the case, you get people’s best tips for taking care of mental health. – Put your phone down Short conversations have a significant effect on both the relationship and mental health. Kåss Furuseth hits a stroke to call. – On the bus and tram, people sit with their noses down on their mobile phones. Calling someone, without a particular purpose, we need to get better at. Simply check in. Emojis are not enough. Young people in particular do not talk much on the phone, and would rather text. – It’s a matter of training, and, says Vebjørn Leite Olsen, deputy head of Mental Health Youth. He pointed out that talking on the phone is more personal: – And you might be able to hear how things are actually going. CALL: Drop Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and text today. Instead, pick up the phone and call someone you care about. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle The “good girl” syndrome We are away from work more often because we struggle mentally, according to Nav. Sandra Lindholm was away for a long time due to depression. – I sat on the train on the way to work. The lump in my stomach got heavier and heavier, and the tears rolled. It was the start of a long depression. At the age of 42, she was so unwell that she moved home to her mother in Sweden. – Mum called me every day to check that everything was fine, and maybe even that I was alive, she says. FULL JOB: Sandra Lindholm is back in one hundred percent work, after being depressed for a long time. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news The depression came as a result of the demand on itself. – I have the “good girl” syndrome. Her boss at Mester Grønn in Kolbotn was important to getting back on her feet. – She asked me how I wanted to be at work, talked to me when I got to work and before I left. It has meant that I have returned to a hundred percent position. The message is clear: – When things you usually master easily start to become difficult, then you have a problem. You need to address it as soon as possible, it is extremely important. Do you call people you love? No, I prefer to communicate in writing… Yes, I love talking on the phone! Occasionally, but can get better. Show result Can make a difference Kåss Furuseth has also been open about psychological challenges. She has lost both her mother and brother to suicide. She cheers on the short conversations. – You don’t always have to go to the difficult, but you have to dare to ask questions. How are you actually? Then one must also bear to hear the answer. One must dare to mean something to others. And you are not responsible for other people’s health, but you can make a difference. The comedian also has suggestions for those who are not too happy to talk. – It can be nice to help others with practical and concrete tasks on a daily basis. Because there are quite a few people out there who have invisible challenges. – How good are you at being honest? – I am better on TV than in private, she says. – Who was the last person you spoke to then? – The last person I spoke to was my husband, Tommy, who called to wake me up. I think maybe he fell asleep on the way, she laughs. These are people’s best tips news asked people on the street for tips on how to take care of your own mental health. We got these answers: Go for a walk, feel free to bring your grandparents Take up a hobby Hang out with friends Don’t worry about what other people think Take a break from everyday life Be social, don’t sit by yourself Do something nice for others Appreciate the good things Talk to someone Do you have good advice? Feel free to share them in the comments below: Hello! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue Published 10.10.2024, at 10.08 Updated 10.10.2024, at 10.55
