One more Norwegian confirmed killed in the terrorist attack in Mogadishu – Latest news – news

25 August 2022 at 20:12 One more Norwegian confirmed killed in the terrorist attack in Mogadishu The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms to news that two Norwegians were killed in the terrorist attack in Mogadishu at the weekend. – The Foreign Service is in contact with the next of kin who have lost a dear family member, and our condolences go out to them, writes press officer at the Foreign Ministry, Mathias Rongved to news. It was VG who mentioned the case first. Earlier, the Foreign Ministry confirmed that one Norwegian citizen was killed in the terrorist attack on the Hayat hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia. On Thursday evening, they confirm that one more Norwegian citizen died in the attack. At least 21 people were killed and 117 injured in the terrorist attack. – We have per now no information about several affected Norwegian citizens, he writes further. Rongved finally writes that Norwegians affected by the terrorist attack can contact the foreign service at the embassy in Nairobi or the Foreign Ministry’s operational centre.
