On Wednesday, the new bourgeois city council in Oslo will be presented – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The new city council consists of representatives from the Conservative and Liberal parties. They form a minority city council with the support of the Christian People’s Party and the Progress Party. Conservative Eirik Lae Solberg has become city council leader. Anne Lindboe (H) becomes mayor, and Julianne Ofstad (Frp) becomes deputy mayor. Raymond Johansen (Ap) resigned at 9.30 am. The new city council took office from the same time. – It is the mayor’s hope that a new city council can take office from the same time, writes mayor Marianne Borgen in a letter to Lae Solberg, which he himself has posted on his Facebook page. These are the new city councils There will be fewer city councils now than there have been under the red-green, which had nine including the city council leader. The bourgeois have gone for a total of eight. Five of them from the Right, three from the Left. – It is a city council that has broad experience from the town hall, the government apparatus and the Storting. But there are also many who have management experience from private business, says Eirik Lae Solberg. Eirik Lae Solberg (city council leader) Eirik Lae Solberg from Høyre will become leader of the city council. It is the role Raymond Johansen has had in the city council that is now stepping down. Hallstein Bjercke (finance) Hallstein Bjercke from the Liberal Party will be city councilor for finance, i.e. Oslo’s “financial manager”, simply explained. He is also deputy leader of the city council. Marit Kristine Vea (environment and transport) Marit Kristine Vea (V) will be responsible for the environment and transport. Saliba Andreas Korkunc (health) Saliba Andreas Korkunc (H) joins the health council. Julie Remen Midtgarden (education) Julie Remen Midtgarden (H) becomes education councillor. In the outgoing city council, a youth council was responsible for both schools, kindergartens and, for example, child protection. Now the last one is taken out and moved to another city council.James Stove Lorentzen (urban development) Veteran James Stove Lorentzen (H) takes over as city councilor for urban development. For the past four years, he has led the city development committee in the city council, which, among other things, deals with planning and building matters.Julianne Ferskaug (social services) Julianne Ferskaug (V) will be city councilor for social services. The department is, among other things, responsible for NAV and social services, child protection, etc. Anita Leirvik North (culture and industry) What are currently two different city council departments – industry and ownership, and kutlur, sports and volunteering – will become one department in the new city council. Anita Leirvik North (H) becomes city councilor for culture and industry. – It’s very fun! We are looking forward to getting started, says Solberg. Left-wing leader Guri Melby is also present to congratulate the new city council. Julie Remen Midtgarden (H), now city councilor for education, says she is very motivated to work for the city’s children and young people. – The most important thing for us is to work for a school where students experience joy and mastery, and where they get to utilize their potential, she says. She promises that the new city council will be closer to the schools, the agency and work for the best for the students. – Julie has been given an exciting and important task. She has broad experience from politics and business, says the new city council leader.
