On Wednesday at 12 noon, “Emergency alert on mobile” will be tested across the country – news Vestland

– When you receive the test, the phone vibrates and plays a loud, siren-like sound for approx. 10 seconds. This is what the Directorate for Security and Emergency Preparedness (DSB) writes about what people in Norway can expect on Wednesday 14 June. “Emergency alert on mobile” is a new notification system. Together with the Civil Defense’s warning system, it must notify the population of acute danger. The warning can be used in both peace and war situations. In peacetime, it may, for example, be relevant in the event of accidents at industrial plants that lead to the release of toxic or dangerous substances. In war, for example, warning can be used in the event of an air attack. This is how it works The aim of the test on Wednesday is twofold: to make the population familiar with how it was experienced to receive an emergency alert on the mobile phone to ensure that the system works as it should. When the notification goes off, it will override settings such as having the mobile on silent, low volume or muting notification. It will also break in if you are in the middle of a phone call, if you are listening to music or if you are watching a video. Senior adviser Henriette Magnussen at DSB explains that it is important to take the emergency alerts seriously – also in situations where, for example, you are driving a car. – Then you must let the warning sound until you have stopped the car and can read or listen to the warning, and follow the advice. You must not put yourself or others in danger by checking the warning at speed. Emergency alerts on mobile now come in addition to the traditional typhoons on 1,250 rooftops in cities and towns around the country. … when the phone is on Emergency alert is based on Cell Broadcast technology. All mobile phones within a defined geographical area at the same time – both permanent residents and tourists. But the siren sound only comes if the phone is switched on, connected to a mobile network with 4G or 5G coverage, and compatible. Most newer mobile phones will be compatible as long as they are updated with the latest software. If you do not want to receive the emergency notification, you must have it in flight mode or completely switched off, or have a phone that cannot receive emergency notifications. – National notification tests are always notified well in advance. Vulnerable groups who, for various reasons, do not want to have this test, can therefore take the necessary precautions, says Magnussen. DSB also adds that people with a hearing aid connected to the telephone will receive the alarm sound directly in the hearing aid, but with a muted sound. These units can receive emergency alerts Android phones with operating system Android 11 or newer Smartwatches and phones that have Android GO support key from Android 13 and newer Apple phones that are iPhone 8 or newer and that are updated with iOS 16.2 or newer Apple watch that is updated with watchOS 9.2 or newer Smart watches that use wearOS (DSB.) Ukraine war As a result of the war in Ukraine, it was decided to increase the authorization for several measures to strengthen preparedness on the civilian side in Norway. “Emergency alert on mobile” is one of these. This service was ready for use by the police in January. Population alerts on mobile phones are also a requirement from the EU. Countries such as Denmark and Great Britain already have systems for this in place. Psychologist Atle Dyregrov believes that parents and teachers should explain to the children in a safe way that this is a good arrangement if something unlikely still happens. Photo: Center for crisis psychology Førebu the children The siren sound and the emergency warning will come to your phone whether you are 5, 50 or 100 years old. Psychologist Atle Dyregrov at the Children’s Clinic at Haukeland University Hospital thinks the warning may frighten children. – If they are not prepared for it, it can of course scare them when many sounds go off at the same time in different phones. And there are children down to kindergarten age who wear watches on their wrists. If the arm bells also ring, it can cause fear and uneasiness. – How can one prepare the child that this will happen? – To explain in advance why one does this. And emphasize that we should be happy that it is possible to notify the population when there is something dangerous. But that one can splash a little when it suddenly happens. More about preparing for the emergency warning test Psychologist Atle Dyregrov has worked a lot with children and adults who have war trauma. He does not think the emergency warning was experienced as particularly frightening for them, if the siren sound does not resemble airplane alarms. – But it is important that parents explain to their children in a calm way. Reassure them that the test does not mean that anything will happen, but it is good to be prepared if something should happen, a big fire or a gas accident. And that we do not think that what is happening in Ukraine will happen in Norway, but that it is still good to be better prepared. He also recommends talking to your children afterwards about how they reacted to receiving the message, what they have spoken to their parents about, and asking if they have any questions. – What about the school? – In the Norwegian school there is a tradition of meeting crisis situations and talking to children about it. Many children are at school when the test takes place. Even if there is an acute danger later, it is quite possible that the child is at school. Then it will be useful if they have spoken to their teachers about it. At the Crisis Center in Bergen, they prepare their users for what will happen to the phones at 12 o’clock, says manager Pia Krüger Grønqvist. Photo: Leif Rune Løland / news Krisesenter At the Krisesenteret in Bergen, plan staff to sit with the users when the emergency alert is tested. – Many of our users do not get the information that goes out in advance about this test. Either because they have more than enough of their own and the situation they are in, or because they don’t know Norwegian. That’s what manager Pia Krüger Grønqvist says. – Can such a siren sound reveal a secret mobile phone to an abusive partner? – No, it is not a current issue, she says. The crisis center will nevertheless encourage users to switch off the phone completely when the signal is sent out.
