Ollvar was thrown out of a car window and left to die – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

On Thursday, the response team at the Cat House in Moss got a bad phone call. Six kittens had been thrown out of the window of a green van along Sånerveien in Hobøl. The car then disappeared. – We were there half an hour later. The person who reported had caught two, and eventually we caught the rest with the help of traps, says Siv Ekhaugen, who works as a volunteer at the Cat House. – One kid was so thin and small – it’s the worst I’ve seen in the eight years I’ve been with them. She was dying right in front of our eyes, she says. Siv Ekhaugen (th) at Kattehuset in Moss helped save the kittens. Now four of them have been given a temporary home with Isabelle Samuelsen in Våler. Photo: Rahand Bazaz/news Wanting witnesses A witness is said to have seen the kittens being thrown out of a green car, but did not get the license plate. Ekhaugen hopes that someone may have tips on the matter, so that they can report it to the police. – I don’t understand what goes through the minds of people who can throw out innocent animals that haven’t even asked to be born, she says. Ollvar, Gurine, Soline and Rudolf Blodstrupmoen are enjoying themselves in their new, temporary home, but are still a little shaken after yesterday’s incident. Photo: Biger Kjølberg/news It has been a busy summer so far for Kattehuset. In just a week and a half in July, they took in 20 kittens who did not have a mother to feed them. Summer means more to do for the volunteer cat lovers. – From mid-June, the rush starts for us. Many people think that a cat does not have the same value as a dog, and that cats can fend for themselves if you leave them, says Ekhaugen. – Treated like rubbish Now four of the kittens have been given a temporary home by Isabelle Samuelsen in Våler. She sent a message to the Cat House when she heard that they were running and capturing the little nurks. – I’m a cat lover, so it’s a pleasure to help and look after them until they can get a home, she says as she hugs a light fur ball to her chest. – But I get sad and angry that someone can treat them like rubbish.
