Oliver Solberg said no to top teams in rally – opens up about the reason – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– Just then it was hell to stand in. That’s what rally driver Oliver Solberg says about the entrance he had in his 20s, and which explains the choice he has just made. The great talent made a name for himself in the sport early on, and already at the age of 15 he had his own documentary and several top performances. But then came the brutal downturn. That is precisely why he is only competing at level two in the World Rally Championship this year. It didn’t have to be this way. Before the start of the season, the 22-year-old received an offer from Ford to drive in the top class. He declined. TOUGH CHOICE: Which level? That is the big question for Oliver Solberg, who could drive in both Rally 1 and 2. Photo: Jørgen Terland Gundersen / news – Psychologists, it’s the stupidest thing. The last time he had a similar opportunity, he accepted a seat in the top class. It ended with a visit to a psychologist. Broken races, crashes, car trouble and a lot of pressure ensured that life at the top level became one big mental strain. – No one in the whole family has ever seen me like that. I’ve always been like, “Father, psychologists, that’s the stupidest thing.” But I actually went to a psychologist once, for 30 minutes, an unfiltered Solberg tells news. – That was all I needed, he continues. – But what happened in those 30 minutes? – I went there for 30 minutes and thought, “Damn, at least I have to try, then.” I didn’t figure it out myself. Then I thought, I must at least go in there and ask the questions I wonder about. SAFE: The sofa view of the Swedish forests is a safe place to think. Photo: Jørgen Terland Gundersen / news In retrospect, Solberg admits that as a 20-year-old he was not quite ready for what awaited at Hyundai. The wrong place and the wrong time are repeated several times. – I learned an awful lot during that period, he says, and elaborates that he only realized how much he had learned when he was out of it. His stay ended with his dismissal, and last year he drove a Skoda at level two. So he will stay there for one more season. The reason behind the choice For many, the choice may seem strange, but for Solberg it was obvious when he felt his gut feeling. Although promotion was tempting, Skoda had an ace up its sleeve. They could offer the same sporting conditions that made Andreas Mikkelsen world champion last year. WORLD CHAMPION: Norwegian Andreas Mikkelsen won Rally 2 in Skoda last year, now he drives in the top class. Photo: Valery Hache / AFP The season has already started well with a superior win at home in Rally Sweden in February. Now he hopes to continue the trend for the rest of the year. – Maybe I lacked that team behind to give me the last little bit that was missing to fight for victory last year. Now I feel like I have the whole package. And when asked if the last visit to the top class also has an impact on this year’s election: – Yes, yes. Clearly. Solberg summarizes that he became more mature and independent, and that the lessons learned are some of several things that have played a role in the tough choice. – It wasn’t easy, no, that’s quite clear. It was 50/50. It could have gone either way. Trophy from Rally Sweden. Trophy from Rally Chile. Trophy from Rally Portugal. Trophy from Rally Japan. Gets support Last year’s Rally 2 winner, Andreas Mikkelsen, also understands that the choice for Solberg is tough. – For all those who drive rallies and have ambitions, there is one place to be. And that is in Rally 1. But he also adds that it depends on what kind of offer you have received, and from whom you have received it. Solberg received an offer to drive in Ford – one of three teams in the top class. Norske Mikkelsen points out that Ford stands out from the other two teams: – In Ford, it’s a little different, you usually have to bring money with you to drive. In Hyundai and Toyota, on the other hand, you often get paid to drive, according to Mikkelsen. Oliver Solberg drives to the top in Rally Sweden WRC 2WRC / rally.tv He believes Solberg has made the right choice, giving him good opportunities to fight for victory in Rally 2 this year. Mikkelsen himself has moved up to the top class this year and drives for Hyundai in the championship. Solberg is also supported by Viaplay’s motorsport expert, Atle Gulbrandsen. EXPERT: Atle Gulbrandsen thought Solberg had made a wise choice. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB – I think it is very wise for Oliver to take another year in Rally 2. Driving in the second highest class, having less pressure, focusing on finishing the races, getting good results and even more experience . And despite the fact that Solberg declined this year, the expert is resoundingly clear in his speech about a possible future return to the top: – That chance will come, I’m absolutely sure.
