Old Norwegian names are coming back – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

On Wednesday morning, Statistics Norway announced the top 10 name list for 2022. Newcomers to the top of the list for girls are Iben and Sara. On the boys’ side, Teodor is a newcomer. Jakob has made a jump from 9th place in 2021, to shared first place with Noah as the most popular boy’s name in 2022. The name Jakob was very popular in Norway at the end of the 19th century, but declined in popularity towards the 1950s. With this year’s shared first place, this is the fourth year Jakob has ended up at the top since 2017, writes SSB. Old, Norwegian names on the way back Asgeir Sjøberg is the father of Oskar, who goes to IMI kindergarten. He says they thought both Norwegian and international when deciding on a name. – It is very nice that everyone can pronounce the name, also abroad. At the same time, he is somewhat named after me too, he says. Asgeir Sjøberg with his son Oskar. Photo: Einar Espeland / news The kindergarten children news meets in the IMI open kindergarten in Stavanger are both Mina, Sofie and Henrik. All three have contemporary and popular names, but among the kindergarten children we also find Agnes, Else and Robert. Name with long traditions in Norway. Now name researcher Ivar Utne at the University of Bergen says that the original Norwegian names are creeping back towards the top lists. – We see that old Nordic names are starting to come back. Names that were widely used a hundred years ago, such as Einar, Ingrid, Olav, Sigurd and Astrid, says name researcher Utne. The 10 most popular girls’ names in 1922 Ruth Solveig Gerd Anna Ingrid Astrid Inger Else Åse Mary news also meets a mother in the kindergarten. Judit says the most important thing for them when they had to choose a name for the little one was that it should be a name that was short and that they both thought was nice. – So then it became Åse. I think both me and my husband are a bit traditional of us. It may be a bit old-fashioned, but I don’t think it was entirely unconscious of us to choose a slightly Norwegian name, she says. Erling Braut Haaland has become a sporting idol. At the same time, the name Erling has Norse origins. It is not inconceivable that the name will become more popular in the years to come. Photo: JASON CAIRNDUFF / Reuters Don’t want the child to have political names A hundred years ago, Norwegian names dominated the top lists. There is less chance of that happening in recent times, says Utne. – It is due to media influence from several countries. We are also inspired by sports idols, films and celebrities when choosing a name, explains the name researcher. The 10 most popular boy names in 1922 Arne Kåre Olav Odd Hans Gunnar Per Rolf Ole Knut – What about politicians? – Many politicians are between 40 and 60 years old, and those are names that you wouldn’t call your children now anyway, he points out. Nevertheless, he says that Trygve and Erna could have become popular names again, since it has been a while since they were widely used. – But I think people would prefer to avoid pointing out that they have anything to do with political parties, he says. We are unlikely to see names like Audun, Trygve, Jonas and Erna on the name lists in the coming years. Photo: Vidar Ruud Rogaland and Agder stand out Biblical and English names have also been popular in Norway in the last 10-20 years. – It increased from the 1970s and 80s onwards. Most of the names that are given to children are names that we share with large parts of Europe, including the biblical ones, says Utne. Five out of ten at the top on the boys’ side in the last 20 years have been biblical names. – Biblical names hold up very well, and there are constant replacements. There are constantly new ones coming, such as Jakob, Lukas, Isak and Markus. Utne says that especially Rogaland and old Vest-Agder stand out when it comes to the use of names from the Bible. – In 2021, seven out of ten at the top on the boys’ side in Rogaland were biblical. Names from the Bible are used more in Rogaland and Vest-Agder than elsewhere in the country. Jakob also topped the lists in 2019: The names that are disappearing Although many names are coming back again, just over a hundred years after they were last popular, there are some names that are probably on the way out, according to SSB. These are the names that are disappearing: Women: Halfrid Berta/ Bertha Hjørdis Aagot Thorbjørg Borgny Odlaug Alfhild Vally The 10 most popular girls’ names in 1890-1899 Anna Marie Ingeborg Martha Olga Jenny Margit Inga Borghild Karen Men: Gunleif Norvald Herold Gunvald / Gunnvald Ingolf The 10 most popular boy names in 1890-1899 Ole Johan Karl Hans Kristian Olaf Nils Einar Peder Harald
